misunderstood your jealousy

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A/N Pt. 2 of such a jealous face or chap. 50. Enjoy ;)


"We just need Carrie in on this.." I was explaining the plan to Alex until Carrie popped out of nowhere.

"I heard my name! You boys enjoying the party?" Carrie asks. I smile as I put an arm around her shoulder.

"Yep. So, we have a question.." I say. She smiles at me.

"Yeah?" she asks. Alex clears his throat and speaks.

"Can you do us a favor and help us out?" Alex asks as he smiles.

"Help you out with what? Wait, let me guess.." she thinks for a moment. "Are you getting the Ruke couple back together?"

"Sweet! How'd you know?" I ask, still clinging on her shoulder.

"The girls (referring to Julie and Flynn) and I were talking about it too." she informs. "So, what's the plan?"

Then the scene from last chapter plays back and blah blah. So, our plan was to use Carrie as bait for the boys. We made sure Luke and Reggie wouldn't see her face or recognize her, so we turned on the party lights. Then, we point her out as the girl who wants to be with you or whatever. Next.. it'll explain itself.


Luke and Reggie walks up to me. First part of the mission, success! Back to the plot.

"Oh, Carrie?" the boys say. They look at each other and immediately turn away.

"Hey boys!" I smirk. "Anyways, have fun."

"Wait what..?" Reggie asks. I snicker and gently touch my chest.

"I'm dancing with Rockie. Hope you two enjoy the party!" I wave bye to the boys and left them in shock.

I then go up the grand staircase and grab a mic. I test the mic, then clear my throat.

"Okay everyone, listen up!" everyone turns to face me. "Hope all of you are having a blast!"

The crowd erupted into cheers. I chuckle and speak.

"Sorry to bother your enjoyment but I want to make a couple enjoy too," I look towards Luke and Reggie. "Let's give it up for.. Ruke!"

The people claps their hands and the lights faced the two. Slow dance music played and everyone fell silent to watch them.


"I can't believe it! We fell for her trap! No wait.. it was Alex. Damn him!" Reggie exclaims. I chuckle a little.

"Yeah, Bobby's an ass," I pause as I turn to face Reggie. "But.. one dance won't hurt, right?"

"Right.." Reggie smiles. "A dance wouldn't hurt me at all, or us in general."

I grin and grab Reggie's waist. He was shocked at first but then danced with me. I twirl him around and our faces almost touched. I chuckle.

"You know, I miss those lips of yours." I admit. He smiles and rests his head on my shoulder as we danced.

"Chase it later tonight, loverboy." Reggie whispers. I blush a little at his comment.

At least I got the love of my life back. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

A/N Yuh. That's today's chapter folks! Anyways, sorry for not posting much. My brain wasn't working in the system so I had no idea what to do. Until I went on c.ai and got an idea from a bot. Anywho, that's all. Thank you so much for 1.67K reads and 102 votes on this work. Love y'all<3

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