figure it out

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A/N Second part of 'we never speak of this again' XD


I sneaked in to the studio right after Luke left the house to run some errands (lifers can see them now). I went over to the secured spot and grabbed the journal-- now I can see what's going on with the song. I read the lyrics carefully.

I try to hide my smile,
everytime we talk for a while.
Love the way he smirks,
and the way he works.

Those bright green eyes,
you know he doesn't lie.
The dark wavy hair,
It's too hard to bare.

I write down my feelings,
as I stare at ceilings.
Maybe it's a scary thought,
if I speak what's been inside.

(I didn't sign up for lyric making so yeah if it's bad don't mind it)

I was still curious of who the song was about. At least I had a clue, bright green eyes and dark wavy hair. Alex had green eyes and wavy hair.. but it wasn't dark. Wait, was it me? I matched up the description-- green eyes and dark hair. Was it me? My eyes widen as I hear Alex call out to me.

"Reg?" He calls out confusingly. I hiss as I turn my head towards Alex's direction.

"Heyyyy," I bring out the the 'y.' I hide the jounal behind me and shut it immediately.

"What are you doing there? Isn't that Luke's secured spot?" He asks as if he knows I know something.

"Yeah just wanted to check something out," I answer as I turn around to put back the journal in the secured spot. Alex raises a brow and walks over to me.

"You saw the lyrics huh?" He asks. I frown and turned to him. Did he see it first before me? How'd he even know?

"Ho-- How?!" I exclaim. Alex knew something I didn't and I wondered what it was.

"Cause Luke showed me first idiot." Alex says potently.

"Oh? So who's the song about then?" I ask with squinted eyes.

"Figure that out by yourself." He commands.

I scoff as Alex walks through the doorway. Alex stops for a while and meets my sage green eyes. He sighs before walking slightly inside the studio.

"Do you really need to be told everything?" Alex questions.

I shook my head vigorously. Alex rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"Yeah sure. You are so smart to know that." He says sarcastically.

He walks out once more and leaves me alone pouting. Who was the song really about? Was it me? That can't be it though..

A/N It's a lil long now before I post part 3 of this I'll post a Julynn chapter soo just wait for that :D

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