angst, scars, & shit

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A/N Just a lil warning; mention of SH. Okie and this Luke Angst and some Ruke too 😚


I entered the garage doors and saw Luke sitting on the couch and his head leaning on the wall behind him. I immediately sat beside him and he got startled.

"Dude.. need help with anything?" Luke asks as he sits up.

"Not at all," I say. My hand landed on Luke's wrists and he immediately pulls it away.

"You good Lu?" I calmly ask.

"Y-yeah.. I'm good," he stutters.

I look worriedly at my boyfriend. There's something wrong, I know it.. he just wouldn't tell me.

"You can tell me anything," I murmured. Luke's eyes started to water.

"It's just scars.." he brittaly says.

"Scars? You mean-" I croaked. Luke nodded as the clear tears bursted out of his bright hazel eyes.

My own green eyes started watering too. It hurt when I just found out my boyfriend had been harming himself. I pull him into a hug, playing with his hair.


I've told Reggie about the scars on my wrists. It made me cry even thinking about it. Reggie embraced me and started playing with my hair. My tears soaked in his flannel and my grip on him was tighter.

"It's okay.. just let it out," Reggie flatly says.

More and more tears kept going down to my chin. Reggie rubbed circles on my back and used comforting things to calm me down. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms.


Luke passed out in my arms and he was calmed down already. I loosened my grip on him and layed his body fully on the couch. I sat on the floor and watched him peacefully sleep. I rested my cheek on my palm and smiled softly. Luke grunted and was moving side to side-- I guess it's nightmares.

I rose from the floor and headed towards him to comfort. I leaned in closer to him and fixed the front of his hair. He fluttered his eyes opened slowly and my face heated up.

"Need something?" Luke gracefully says as he turns to the side.

"Nope, sorry to disturb you.." I apologize. I guess Luke didn't hear me he was fast asleep already.

I watched him peacefully on his side and my eyes started to slowly shut down. My head landed on Luke's chest and we were both fast asleep.

A/N Pt. 2 next chapter!! See you ❤️

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