i've got you now

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A/N Some Alex anxiety and Willex too :)


I was in my dressing room prepping up for our biggest band gig yet. Willie was inside with me as well. He begged the producers and some makeup artists to be the one to do my makeup-- they decided to just let him in. As the brush crossed my cheek Willie began to speak.

"Hope you do good up there hotdog," He angelically says.

"Thanks Wils!" I squeal. Willie smirked and put down the brushes.

"Well we're done here! You ready?" He asks as he rests his hands on my shoulders.

"I guess?" I shrug. Willie kisses my cheek and embraces me from behind.

"Here's some boost. Now get up the Alex, I believe in you!" He encourages.

I then rose from the seat. I gave Willie a hug before running out of the dressing room. Outside were my bandmates and Flynn.

I smiled and walked towards them, but I couldn't help but notice some staff members talk about me. I looked towards their direction and listened carefully.

"I don't know, their rehearsal was okay except for the drummer. He might not catch anyone's attention with the wrong beat." One complains.

"I know right? He'll definitely fail with his drum skills." The other one says.

Then my anxiety grew in. They're right. You won't succeed in the drums. My thought says. I started overthinking. What if they hate me? What if the audience judges my drumming? The thoughts just kept flowing in which made my tears build up. Luke noticed and immediately reached up to me.

"Alex are you alright?" He asks concerned. Tears went down my cheeks in lightning speed.

"I- c-can't do this y-yet.." I reply.

Before Luke could speak again I ran back to my dressing room. I opened the door and immediately locked it. I slided down to the floor and felt a grip on me. I looked towards the direction and saw Willie comforting me with his hug. Tears continued to go down.

"It's gonna be okay.. I've got you now.." Willie comfortingly says.

I cried harder each minute. Willie rubbed circles on my back and played with my hair, something that calms me down. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Alex we'll go in two.. are you alright in there?" Luke mumbles. I met my eyes with Willie's and he nods encouragingly.

"I'll be out.." I reply back to Luke.

Willie helped me up and patted my shoulder. I sighed and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and pulled away.

"Rock this show hotdog," Willie says. He opened the door for me and I headed out.

The show was a blast and I got so many cheers too! I'll have to thank Willie on this one. He's the best guy in the whole world

A/N Another Willex chapter finished. It'll probably take some days or smth before I post next chapter. Next chapter is all about Julynn too! Alright bye bae :DD

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