god, here is my hand

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A/N Willex Time<3 Anyway enjoy if you want, idc. jk, love you babes


I've asked Alex to come over at a skating park so he can practice his skateboard skills. He insisted he'd do this so he can skate with me.

Anyways, I'm at an abandoned skating park. I heard a whoosh which led me to turn to the direction. There Alex was in his skating fit. He was wearing the crop top I gave him and black shorts. He had both the helmet and skateboard in his hand. Honest to heavens, he is hot-- very hot. Alex turned my way and waved.

"Hey Willie!" he calls out. I waved my hand up high and he went nearer to me.

"What's up hotdog?" I say as we do a fist bump.

"Ready to rock?" I ask. Alex hisses and looks around.

"We are safe here right?" he questions. I nod and we head over to the park.

I taught Alex the basics first before we
continued do the last step, a jump over the hoop. Alex was hesitant at first when I told him about it. I told him It's not a big of a deal. Yeah, exactly that.

"Willie this looks dangerous!" Alex squeals as he tries and jump over the hoop.

"I promise it isn't Lex. Try it!" I say from across the park.

I opened a can of Pepsi and took a sip. It's a hot day after all. I tried taking another sip but Alex's screams distracted me-- not in a bad way but more of a funny way. He would usually voice crack when he screams, why won't that be funny?

"Willie come over here!" Alex screams. I sigh and walk towards Alex's direction.

"I'm here now. I promise you, you won't fall," I say reassuringly. Alex nods and tries jumping-- but that failed.

"I can't hold my hand! Hold my hand!" Alex says as his body shakes on the skateboard.

"God, Here-- hold my hand," I say as I reach out my palm. Alex immediately gets a touch from my hand and calmed down.

"Now can you do the jump?" I ask softly. He nods and takes a deep breath.

"I'm ready," Alex says as he held my hand tighter.

He look determined to finish the jump. So he took one last deep breath and jumped over the hoop. When I saw him do the move I let go of hid hand. He did great! That greatness fell to zero because Alex slipped. He screamt as came crashing down. I immediately came over and caught him in my arms.

"Did I die?" Alex squeals scaredly. I chuckled which led him to open his eyes.

"Hey handsome," I say which led Alex to blush hard.

He flicked me weakly in the forehead. I laughed hard and put him back on his feet. I still held him in the waste so when he stood our faces were inches apart from each other. I instantly pulled away and cleared my throat.

"Hry thanks for this Willie," he thanks me nicely. I nod and smile.

"Your welcome hotdog," I say.

I took a deep breath before kissing him on the cheek. His face was heating up, but I just laughed. I grab my skateboard and put it against the floor.

"Bye Lex!" I greet as I wave.

He waves bye back and blows me a kiss. I catch the kiss and chuckled. I skated away from the park with a smile on my face, a rose-red tint on my cheeks, and Alex's kiss on my palm. Today was perfect.

A/N This one is quite long too but please don't blame me. I promise I'll try and make the next chapter short.

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