We're all in the same game; just different levels

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The same hell; dealing with different devils

Hey there!

It's really been a while yeaa. I´ve been superduperduper busy. With a lot of tests and so. I know I´m always blaming things on test lol. That's just me. So, lately I´ve discovered a new song. (New?) Too close by Alex Clare. I don't know what I fell for, but I just like that song. And Nothing like us by Justin Bieber. YES, I said JB. Don't judge! I´m not like head over heels for Bieber, but I like his voice. And that's what music about. The voice. I think that it's stupid to like someone because of looks, because it's one thing that won't last forever - YOUTH. And another thing I don't get is all the haters. Why hate? It makes you so tired. I mean, let him be! If you don't like someone, keep it for yourself because honestly - haters have no life. If you spend so much time hating a person, at the end, you won't be yourself anymore because you spend all the time hating someone.

I wrote a essay today, in English. And I hope it went well. I´m aiming for a B, well A actually but since it seems to be impossible I´ll just aim at B. Well, you should never say never, but I don't seem to do anything right these days. Guess some days are harder than others. Today, it started snowing! I mean, come on weather. It´s march and SNOWING?! Makes me depressed acutally.

See you later guys!


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