Memories take us back, dreams take us forward

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Dear Diary! And wattpaders ;)

Today I only had 2 classes, currently sitting in the badminton hall and waiting for practice to begin. I+m so irritated with myself because I forgot my water bottle, and I always do! Lol, I´m so .... KAJSFLAGEJS.

Well, listening to one of my favorite bands right now, they aren't very famous, but damn talented (excuse me for the language), I just have a crush on 5 seconds of summer lol. I´m supposted to do some math but I just don't feel like doing it, so I´m sitting here with my mac..., just me and my mac, and my music. Can life be better?

So, I´ve been thinking a -very- long time, when I wear glasses people take them and say "omg, you really can´t se anything!" and they think that I´m completly blind. But I have never seen someone take someone´s wheelchair and say "omg, you really can´t walk", it doesn't make any sense! And my friends just laugh when I tell them. True -story-.

The weeks are just flying by, friday tomorrow, again! I feel like my life is, under control, but a mess. I´m 16 years old, I´m freakin 16 years old! I remember those days when I always said "I wish I was 16". Guess that I just thought that it would make me cooler, but well, I feel like I´m still me. Well, of coure I have changed through the years but I can´t see any difference. Lol, and I have so much homework, and  ... yeah, I´ll keep on complaining later.

Guess what, I got chosen for a talent "investment" camp, I can´t believe it. It feels good! But damn I have to work on my condition, I can barely run 4 kilometres. Well I can, but my sister is better than me and I just can't allow that. Love between siblings lol ...

Well, my battery is running out, so I´ll finish about here. I have to work on my Ireland project too, deadline is tomorrow, and it´s looking ... let´s not talk about that. I work with C and F, and C is so ... I just have a hard time to communicate with him. F is okay, she´s a little bit boring sometimes, like the ultimate good girl. Omg, I can´t complain on my class mates! They´re going to frikken kill me. Well later, wattpaders!


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