Prologue - Peach skies - G

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Bakugo brushed past his mother as she washed the empty dishes, walking over to the end of his house. The room was dim around him but above and through the windows, rested an orange-painted sky as the sun fell for it's slumber. A sense of catharsis at the sight as his shoulders slumped and his arms relaxed against his sides. He sighed quietly. When the sky turned towards a darker blue, Bakugo retreated back to his room to call it a day. Sleep came easier the first time. It was late into the night and the culprits of awakening the boy were his considerate parents... who shouted at each other. He immediately rolled out of bed when he came out of his half-asleep state. Grabbing the earphones on his desk, he used them to blast music so he could only sense the vibrations from downstairs. A dozen songs were listened to from his liked list and then the vibrations ceased so he was able to put his phone down and try to rest, yet he still couldn't.

"Fuck..." He grumbled to himself.

He didn't get much sleep after that, ending up in class with droopy eyelids. With his chin on palm, he watched his friends as they debated on an issue he won't likely remember after five minutes. It was difficult to avoid Kaminari's wave as he gestured for Bakugo to join them but he managed to, turning his head away. It may have been a dick move but it was the first thing that came to mind. At a first glance, people would presume that the blonde was as distant from his class peers as ever, however, the opposite was the case. The class learnt through some experiences that when Bakugo wasn't in the mood, not to push his buttons. It may not be easy to tell and some slip ups may occur, but the amount of times the blonde has exploded like dynamite recently has reduced significantly. Through time and experiences, the class grew closer with each other. Although, the class didn't know of Bakugo's family situation as he kept it completely outside of school. Only his childhood friend knew briefly of his dysfunctional parents; Izuku Midoriya. As they grew up, Bakugo pushed him away. It wasn't healthy to keep all the emotional stress on his shoulders but he wasn't enlightened at the idea of some extras knowing that his private life was fucked.

If he didn't die from holding it in, then what's the real risk?

He used to cry at home about it, but then his father caught him with his swollen tear-stained cheeks.
He used to cry at school about it, until a teacher called his parents about it.
He also used to cry at the park near his house but with the recent publicity of becoming a hero, he couldn't afford for anyone to record him.
The last time he was able to properly cry, as in, let tears flow from his eyes, was during the villain kidnapping. Despite the degrading during his torture, it somehow made him feel entitled to cry. He was being tortured in the moment, not a spoilt brat but even then he brought stress to his family and he was the one to blame for getting caught.

He shook his head to get out of the daze he was in, a habit he found himself in. As obvious as day, he was physically there but mentally it felt as if he would function on autopilot as his brain went numb to block any breakdowns happening from the spiralling of negativity his mind consumed. Maybe there was a word for it but he didn't bother to look further into it, he wasn't crying afterall. Avoiding to well up with water became his greatest achievement. Ah, he now remembered what class he was in; PE. He turned his head and was pulled by Midoriya towards the trendmills. As he climbed up on it, he looked down to the confused blonde and muttered. "Sorry Kacchan, I just love the trendmills."

Ah, he also remembered that the class were paired up and lucky Bakugo was with Midoriya. Sighing, he went on the free trendmill next to his friend and turned it on. Neither of them spoke, both focusing on running at the fastest pace they could withstand until the timer went off. With bent arms, Bakugo sprinted and then got to the speed of running with the machine, noticing the other was at a higher level yet he didn't seem to be running as fast. How did he always pull off better? Did I even try enough, he questioned.

Then the same happened with the bars they climbed, then the bicycle machines and then lastly, the pushups. He expected Midoriya to revel in the victory but instead he patted the blonde on the back and cheered him on, which made him feel even more frustrated. Is he pitying him or what?

"I don't want your fucking pity." Bakugo swiped the hand away as we walked past, heading back to the changing rooms.

"Kacchan, wait!" He ran after his friend. "I didn't mean to pity you, I was being genuine. You still hit new records that you couldn't do before and that should be celebrated."

But I didn't do as well as you, Bakugo thought. It would be truly pathetic to say it out loud so he just grunted and went to change out of his sports uniform. He definitely needed a shower too.

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