Chapter 19 - Rose fields - T

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Bakugo sat in the bathrooms, pausing his game to close his eyes. A soft sigh escaped his lips. It had been a day since he made that move and the other hasn't said anything in exchange. He didn't want to think too much on it.

At one point he saw Midoriya with Uraraka, they seemed to be on good terms. Bakugo felt a twist inside as he walked away from his group, he leaned against a wall and then curled on himself. Fucking idiot, he thought. He forced himself to quickly recover and walk outside before anyone could notice. His phone rang and he saw that it was his mother. He walked to a tree near the back of the school, an area he was sure no one would visit. He answered the call.


"You've got to take the bus home today, your grandpa is ill."

Bakugo sighed.

"Did I just hear a sigh? You ungrateful piece of shit!" She yelled into his ears.

"Says you fucking calling my dad insults all the time, isn't the divorce enough for you? Oh, nothing is--."

"You watch your mouth or it will be bruised." She seethed, leading him to dropping the topic and hanging up shortly afterwards.

He put his phone into his back pocket and stormed off to class, behind the wall had a Monoma leaning against it. He didn't realise his parents were getting a divorce and he smirked at the weakness in his grasp as he flicked his pen and left.

He couldn't bear to face Midoriya, what if he tells everyone? The fact he, or he? His head slammed against the desk again but no one heard, too busy listening to the loud documentary about a women named Barbera that works in recycling. Yes, he didn't give a fuck about it.

The day ended, neither still speaking. Bakugo decided to walk home instead, no matter the exhaustion he would feel afterwards. On the way to his house he saw Midoriya at his. The shorter boy struggled to unlock the door, mumbling things that couldn't be interpreted. The blonde turned his head to watch the other, slipping on a rock and falling over. He caught himself with his hands and stared at Midoriya who stared back. Bakugo slowly stood up and began to walk away.


Bakugo paused and squeezed his own hands, waiting for it.

"We should talk about yesterday..."

He trudged back to Midoriya with a pained expression. "I shouldn't have, it was a mistake. I assumed."

"A mistake? You didn't mean it?" He turned his head.

"No, I did." He crossed his arms and looked anywhere but the green furball.

He waited for what seemed too long, he tapped his foot.

"I, I didn't think this day would come. I've liked you for years, but I believed you would never reciprocate."

Bakugo turned back to Midoriya to see him meekly nod.

"What changed...?" Midoriya asked.

Bakugo scratched his arm. "Uhm, I don't know when or how. It just was what I felt. Fuck, I'm not good at this."

"Neither am I," he chuckled. "But we can both try it?"

Bakugo found himself mesmerised in the orange hue of the sky, swirled on a canvas. It was beautiful.

"Try? How? What would people think? This might be too much." Bakugo sighed.

"What matters is our feelings, we can handle the rest." He walked towards Bakugo, taking his hand into his own.

"You're impossible." Bakugo smirked, "never leaving me."

"I know." Midoriya smiled, holding Bakugo's hand as he looked with him at the sky above.

And that was one of the days where he felt good, happy with his existence. It was a new experience but it was lively, something new from the same days over and over. It was an escape from the home he was in.

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