kiss it better. | sylvain

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50 Wordless Ways to Say I Love You: Lightly kissing a wound


Sylvain had never been a big fan of the infirmary. Being stuck in there meant that he was unable to go out and explore the Monastery. He couldn't prowl for lovely ladies if he was bedridden, stuck listening to Manuela's woeful tales of romance. In his academy days, Sylvain avoided the infirmary as much as he could. Now, he wasn't sure if he could stay away.

You had grown so much in the five years that Sylvain had seen you. Instead of the shy, meek, and rather bland teenager that you were in the academy (no offense to you, of course) you had blossomed into a confident, strong, and undeniably attractive young adult. Sylvain wondered if you were actually that beautiful in the past (news flash, you were), but shrugged it off. The past was in the past and he couldn't stop thinking about you as his future.

You spent your time learning under Manuela's wing, studying medicine and healing spells as well as just helping her out with mundane paperwork and tasks. Injuries were guaranteed in a war, after all, and Manuela truly couldn't do it all herself. You were a medicinal prodigy and dreamed of becoming Fodlan's best doctor, and the battlefield was the perfect practice field.

The first time Sylvain ever went to the infirmary was after a particularly rough sparring match with Felix. It was well known that the man had a few unresolved anger issues and he must have decided to take them out on the redhead that day. He showed up at the infirmary door less than an hour later, a huge gash across the length of his bicep. You winced as you saw the injury, internally wondering why the hell training swords were still so dangerous.

Sylvain grinned and rubbed the back of his neck with his good arm. "Uh, hi. Think you can help?"

You nodded and led him to one of the beds, pulling up a seat beside it and holding your hand out, silently asking to hold his arm. Sylvain did as you asked, wincing as he had to move. He would be lying if he said he zoned out, not-so-subtly staring at you as you gently inspecting his wound. Your fingers were warm and soft as you hovered one hand above it, a green glow emitting as magic began to heal him.

"So, do you come here often?" He mentally smacked himself. Smooth, Sylvain.

You smiled. "Yeah, everyday. But you certainly don't. What happened?"

"Felix." Was all he needed to say. You laughed and Sylvain's heart nearly stopped. What a pretty sound.

"Sounds like him." You finished up and wrapped his arm with a bandage. "Now, magic can only do so much with healing wounds. Don't move around too much for a bit and come back tomorrow so I can check it again."

Sylvain smiled up at you and you felt your cheeks flush. "Will you kiss it better?"

"Wh- no! It's dinner time, go eat and rest!" You practically shoved him out of the infirmary and leaned against the door once it shut, trying to calm your beating heart. Standing up and brushing off your clothes, Manuela gave you a knowing look. You flipped her off.

The next day, Sylvain couldn't wait to go back. He started his day as usual and then headed to the third floor of the Monastery, his head buzzing from excitement or nerves- he didn't know which one. His head was so clouded with thoughts of you that he ignored the ladies of the monastery, cooing and beckoning him to come waste time with them. They huffed indignantly as he only lifted a hand in greeting before going on his way.

His hand hesitated on knocking the door. Was he- was he nervous to see you? For what? Sylvain prided himself on the strong walls that he had built up around his romantic feelings, there was no way you just started knocking them down with your stupid attractive face and gentleness and sweetness and- oh no. Maybe you had. Sylvain didn't have much time to process that thought before you opened the door, your bright smile making his stomach flutter as you let him in.

The routine was generally the same, your nimble fingers starting to unwrap the bandage and check on the wound. Sylvain's skin erupted in small chill bumps when you breathed a particularly heavy breath against his arm. God, this was way more sensual than he ever would've expected. He wondered if you were feeling the same way- your heart beating faster as he unconsciously moved a bit closer to you.

"It should be okay by tomorrow, really." Your eyes flitted up, finding his own already staring at you. "I'll bandage it again and you just... should avoid fighting Felix for a few days."

Sylvain nodded. "Yeah, no, bad move on my part. But I think I have a lot of other injuries, too..."

You quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. So, I should come and see you more often to get them checked out, right? Like, tomorrow, I can come and then we can talk about my wounds over some tea?"

Your face softened and you looked away, fighting the grin that threatened to overtake your face. Leaning down, you pressed your lips just above the healing scar on Sylvain's arm. He tensed for a moment, flushing just as red as you were. "I'd love to."

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