cute. | alfonse

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"summoner, i have the reports from- is that my undershirt?"

"uhh, no?"

alfonse stood in your room with a look of confusion. you were at your desk with your cloak off, giving him a full view of your face and outfit underneath. you sported comfortable clothes in case of sudden battles, but you did in fact have on alfonse's undershirt.

"that is certainly my shirt," his eyebrows furrowed as he walked closer to you, "why are you wearing it?"

you flushed a little and played with the hem. "uh, i- i didn't realize it was yours, they must've gotten mixed up when whoever had laundry duty."

"you had laundry duty."

"oh.. did i?" you chuckled nervously, "seems i did. well i must've mixed them up."

you stood up and stretched, alfonse's shirt reaching your mid thighs. you began lightly pushing at his shoulders to get him to leave your room. being caught was too embarrassing to even have him near you for a while.

"it's late, and i'm exhausted." you exaggerated a yawn, "time to go to bed, goodnight alfie!"

right before you could slam the door shut, alfonse pushed it open again to come inside. he shut the door behind him and walked towards you once again.

"y/n. what is so bad that you can't tell me? what is it that you don't trust me about?" he asked, "especially over something as simple as a shirt."

you looked down and played with the hem of the shirt again. "well, truth is, i get nightmares. and they scare me. and wearing your clothes and the smell and everything, it just comforts me. it makes me feel better and calms me down. im sorry, i'll give the shirt back-"

you were cut off by alfonse picking you up suddenly and walking towards your bed. he pulled the blankets down and gently set you in them before taking his own armor off and joining you. he pulled the blanket back up and scooted closer to you, putting his arm underneath your head and his other over your waist.

"what are you doing?" you asked, thankful that he had blown out the candle so he couldn't see your blush.

"isn't it obvious? why cuddle my shirt when you could have the real thing?" he replied. he leaned down to kiss your forehead before continuing, "i wish you would've told me sooner. im glad to help you out in any way i can. i care about you, you know."

you smiled and snuggled into his chest a little deeper. "yeah... i care about you too, alfie. goodnight."


alfonse continued to rub circles on your hip and in your hair for a few minutes, his soft and steady breaths lulling you to sleep. you were almost fully asleep before his voice rang out in the quiet room once more.

"you can keep my shirt. you look cute in it."

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