smitten kitten [3] | hybrid!felix

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"This is fucking stupid-"

"Stupid? Felix, you lied to me."

You were livid. First this fuck-ass cat shows up in your life, worms his way into your heart even though you swore you wouldn't get a hybrid, and then brings all kinds of trouble with him. If you weren't already so attached to him, you'd just let the people- Doug and Karen- take him. But you couldn't. You cared too much.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"It's a huge deal! You told me that they didn't want you, not that you ran away. Do you know how this can affect me keeping you? They can take me to court or something and get you back."

"But you signed the papers, I'm yours."

Your heart fluttered, but you ignored it. "You're mine, but you also belong to these people. I can't just take you from them, but I can't let you go back to them if they were that bad to you- were they even bad? Or did you just not like them? Did you lie to me about that too?"

Felix's eyebrows furrowed. "I don't like them because they were bad. Look at 'em. They don't love anything except for the gold around their necks, especially not me. I was literally put in cat shows to earn money. If I ever got below first place, they'd..."

He shuddered and sat down on the edge of your bed. You leaned against the door, arms crossed. From the other room you heard talking. Ashe probably saw your front door open and came to investigate.

Felix couldn't look you in the eyes. You looked so hurt. Not even angry- just hurt. "Please don't make me go back."

You sighed and dropped your arms. "I don't want you to go back, Fe. But I- I don't know what else to do. They've obviously got more money and if they take me to court they'll win for being 'better equipped' to care for you."

"But they're not." His voice was growing desperate. "You are. What if- what if we can prove the center that you're better than them? Courts don't deal with Hybrid ownership, the facilities do. Nancy does."

At that moment, the door creaked open. Two red ears appeared first, then a mop of red hair.

Sylvain grinned and walked in, closing the door and throwing a wink Felix's way. The cat bristled.

"Give me your phone."

"I'm not cheating, I swear."

"We're not- fuck you, give me your phone, Sylvain."

The dog practically whimpered and handed over the phone. Felix had a Cheshire grin as he unlocked it. Typical Sylvain to not have a password despite all the dumb shit on the phone. You tapped your foot impatiently, anxious for Ashe who kept the two other people occupied.

"So, what are you planning?"

"I'll go back with them, but I'll keep this phone. I'll- I'll take those audio messages and send videos and shit when I can. I'll just have to be careful." This was the most Felix had ever talked to anyone. His voice was shaky, despite trying to desperately hide it.

"Absolutely not. Felix, you're not going with them! Who knows what they'll do-"

"I think me dealing with their shit for a few weeks will be worth it if I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

Your eyes widened and so did Felix's. He flushed a bright red after realizing what he said. Sylvain cracked up.

"I- I mean, as an owner. You don't do those things, that's all. I just-"

"Nah, nah, it's alright, you little smitten kitten~" Sylvain still smiled. "We catch your drift."

Felix huffed. "There's no drift to catch! Fucking drop it! Drop the drift!"

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