singing s/o. | dimitri, yuri, & ashe

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- Ashe definitely didn't know that you sang until the two of you were together

- It wasn't that he never paid attention- God, no, he always paid attention to you- it was just that you didn't sing around people often

- So one night, one finally-peaceful night during the war, you started humming to yourself

-You thought Ashe was asleep, resting against your chest as you played with his hair

- Soon, your humming turned to singing.

- It was a small tune that is often sang to smaller children in Faerghus. It used to be Ashe's favorite song as a kid

- Ashe smiled as he heard it, but decided not to say anything

- He slowly fell asleep listening to his new favorite song- your voice and heartbeat.

- He'd bring it up tomorrow to tease you a little bit

- Unlike Ashe, Yuri knew you could sing

- He actually befriended you because of your voice.

- You were walking to class and he stopped you, wishing to compliment you on the little tune you were singing as you went

- Duets are very common

- Yuri can carry a tune and loves to sing along with you, even if you outshine him a million times

- If you're alone together, at least one person is humming a tune

- Sometimes, the singing brings the two of you together for a small dance in the middle of your room

- It looks kind of ridiculous, but it's so sweet


- Out of the three, Dimitri is the most appreciative of your singing

- In the Monastery days, Dimitri would be in utter awe of you

- The hearts and stars he got in his eyes every time you so much as hummed something were undeniable

- Don't even get started on when you actually performed in front of people- you shined and he wasn't afraid to tell you that

- During the five years, you stayed by Dimitri's side. He won't say it, but he's glad you did

- Call it creepy, but he'd often stop outside of your room just to hear you sing some

- It grounded him. He was able to latch onto the words and the melody and your voice and you and pull away from those awful thoughts- even for a little bit

- Don't tell him, but you knew he was out there. He wouldn't accept help, but you could still give it

- One day, after the war, Dimitri came up to you and asked you to sing that song again

- It was one you'd sang constantly throughout Dimitri's bad nights- one that could calm his storms in an instant

- And for the first time, he sang along

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