worry. | felix

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one last hit.
one last hit is all it would take for felix to fall.

the raven-haired man was strong. he was quick, smart, brave, and anyone who dared to cross him would always meet an unfortunate fate.

but this battle was different.

the enemy army greatly outnumbered yours and despite numerous tactical changes, you were bound to lose this fight.

you stayed near felix, eyeing him with worry every few seconds. if you verbally expressed your concern for him, he would get upset, saying that you were doubting his strength. but at this point, you were.

through the corner of your eye, you noticed him fighting a large axe user, clad in heavy armor. demi's was handling him well. but behind him, you saw an archer taking aim. he notched his arrow and aimed straight for felix's chest.

without a second thought, you abandoned your enemy and rushed towards your boyfriend, placing yourself in between him and the archer.

a pain shot through your body, but you stood four ground. the arrow had lodged itself in your chest, sticking out.

"y/n!" you heard felix yell, but you lacked the strength to respond.

warm blood trickled down your chest. the world was getting blurry and you were dizzy. you reached out to him, but collapsed. you knew this was the end of the line for you.


"...goddess, i pray that she's okay... i never got to tell her that i-"

your head ached almost as painfully as your body. slowly but surely, your eyes cracked open. the infirmary was dim and once your eyes adjusted, you noticed the weight on the right side of your bed. you slowly turned your head to see felix, lying with his head in his arms over you. you lifted your arm and placed a hand in his hair, which was down from its usual bun.

felix looked up. "y/n..."

you smiled, "hey, love."

suddenly, his eyebrows furrowed. "who the FUCK do you think you are? i could've handled that my own damn self."

"excuse me? that archer was aiming right for your heart. he would've killed you!"

"are you doubting me?" he growled, "you are! you think i'm weak. i didn't need your help!"

"no, i never said that. you're lucky i care enough about you to even help." you rolled your eyes.

"i don't need your help and i don't need you." he spat.

you flinched back at the harshness of his words and withdrew a little into your pillow. felix's eyes widened and he immediately looked regretful.

"y/n, i didn't mean that-"

"then what did you mean, felix?" your eyes began to fill with tears. "you always let your pride become more important than us. why is being strong more important than me?"

"i-i know. im sorry." felix casted his eyes down shamefully. "i shouldn't let it get in the way- i have no excuse. you're the most important thing i'm my life and i'm sorry for making you think that you aren't. i-i really love you.. so much. and i'm willing to work on anything to improve us. please, forgive me."

your heart clenched- mainly because felix had never apologized. well, that and the fact that he'd never told you that he loved you before.

"felix.. i love you too. you know i'd never doubt you, but sometimes letting others help you is stronger than doing it alone."

he sighed. "yeah. i'll work on that, i promise."

he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. it lasted a while before he pulled away and the soft look in his eyes hardened again. he reached down and a pain shot through my forehead.

"ow! why'd you flick me?"

"don't ever worry me again."

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