cuddling h/c's. | m!byleth

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Okay, so, Byleth is an incredibly hard worker

He doesn't sleep often because he's got a lot going on

A war and shit, ya feel?

He's extremely stressed out, all the time, so often your cuddling sessions begin with you trying and nearly failing to get him back to his room

Once you finally get him back, through much struggle, he still doesn't really want to lay down. He wants to sit at his desk now and do a little bit of strategizing

If he insists on such a thing, you'll stand behind him and massage his shoulders, trying to get the knots out of his neck. You'll slip some kisses on his shoulders, neck, and cheek as well, just for a little bit of fun.

Sometimes, you'll straddle his lap and just lay against him as he works and he'll eventually put down his quill or pencil or whatever they have in this time and just hold you, occasionally pressing kisses into your hair

He'll only go to bed when he's finished with his work or if he's slightly annoyed by your pleading

He won't show it, but he thinks its really cute that you want to cuddle so much and only acts like he doesn't want to go to bed. He's busy, yes, but he's also tired. He'll go to bed if you ask, he just wants to see you get all grumpy when he says no

In bed, he'll latch onto you pretty tightly

The first time you'd ever cuddled, it took you SO off guard because we all know Byleth's incredibly distant

But he'd been a natural at cuddling and just making you feel so loved and safe

He won't admit that he's just scared of hurting you so he's as gentle as humanly possible

Your go-to position is pretty basic: he lays on his back and you curl into his side. The arm you're laying on wraps around you to hold your shoulder and you link hands with his free one across his chest

It's the perfect position to give you kisses on your head, hand, and lips if you tilt your head enough

When he was grieving, Byleth finally broke down his walls enough to let you hold him

Your positions were completely switched, but everything else stayed the same. From his head resting in your neck, to your linked hands, to his leg now draped across your waist

It felt good to care for him for once and you'll sometimes beg for him to let you love him like that again

Being that vulnerable is hard for him, really, so you're rather understanding if he says no. But you're so overjoyed when he says yes

Sleeps are the BEST sleeps you've ever had with him. He's just so warm and safe and you can practically feel the love radiating from him and permeating the room

It's really a dream come true

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