relationship h/c's. | dimitri

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- dimi does not know what to do
- You're definitely his first relationship and even if this is your first as well, you've gotta help him out
- He just doesn't wanna mess up sweet boy
- He's never going to do anything without asking you first. Even if he's kissed you a million times before, he's still gonna ask
- He's just overall very polite and considerate
- Tea dates are weekly if not daily
- If you don't have a tea date, he's definitely sitting by you at every meal, spending time with you during every break, and often has trouble leaving when it's time to go to bed
- You've got to initiate most affectionate gestures, too
- Like I said, he's new to this and he just doesn't really know what to do other than the basic things he's read from romance novels that Dorothea lent him 
- You kissed him first, held his hand first, all of that but Dimitri was the first to initiate cuddling and it was lowkey kinda funny
- He was extremely stiff and even after dating for a while, he still is. That is until you start playing with his hair or fingers and he starts to doze off

- after he gets over his dumbass self, he's a lot more fragile
- In the past, he was afraid of just making the wrong move or something. Now, he's afraid of practically everything
- Not that he'd tell you that
- He's terrified of touching you, so once again you have to take initiative.The first time you'd kissed him now, he'd only touch your lips. He refused to put his hands on you, scared that he'd crush you. He didn't think that he deserved to even be in your presence, much less to touch you
- But then you gently took his hands and placed them on your waist and he found it in himself to pull you closer, almost desperately.
- After that, he becomes a teeny bit more comfy but he's still extremely careful
- You're very insistant on sleeping in the same bed as him and when you first talked about it you probably took ten years off of his life
- He didn't wanna have some nightmare and accidentally hurt you in his sleep
- Whixh he accidentally did once and you swore to the Goddess that he was crying about it. He was
- This carries into after the war is over as well
- Even after you've been married for years, he's still as cautious as the day he first started courting you
- With you by his side, though, he knows that he has a chance of eventually getting better. No, he knows that nothing will ever be the same, but they will improve
- Hell, they've already improved just because of your presence

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