dancing. | yuri

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When Yuri was forced to compete in the White Heron Cup, you'd think his life was over. The way he groaned and moaned and moped around the day the professor asked was on another level. You'd never complain about Hilda's whining ever again.

However, today the pink haired girl was quiet as you sat with her and the professor, watching Yuri stumble over his feet as Byleth clapped the 1-2-3 rhythm of a waltz. Hilda was holding her hand over her mouth, trying to keep her giggles silent every time Yuri messed up.

You, on the other hand, couldn't take your eyes off of him. You were a dancer back home, but you'd used the Monastery as an opportunity to stray from that class and instead found yourself loving archery. To you, Yuri actually wasn't doing bad. At all.

Sure, he had a few hiccups, but that was expected from anyone who was just learning the routine.

Byleth eyed you as she continued to conduct, making eye contact with Hilda from over your head. Hilda only smirked.

"Hey, Y/N, how about you practice with him a little? You are a dancer, after all." The pink bitch laughed.

Yuri suddenly scoffed. "You're a dancer? Then pray tell, why am I doing this and not her?" He asked Byleth.

Byleth only shrugged. "You were making fun of everyone who wanted to compete. I thought I'd put you in your place." She looked back at you, motioning for you to join him.

"Oh, no, I haven't danced in ages-"

"Bold of you to assume I'm giving you a choice," She cut you off. You only groaned and got up, walking towards Yuri.

He raised an eyebrow flirtily- or was he just being cocky?- and held out his hand. Once you took it, he led you to your starting position, bowing and kissing your hand. Your eyebrows furrowed.

That wasn't a part of a waltz...

You brushed it off and linked your hand with his again, resting your other on his arm that was placed strategically around your waist. He took a step forward, you took a step back. A few measures of the invisible music later, Yuri released your waist and spun you, latching back on- a little too stiffly.

"Loosen up a bit," You whispered, "You look constipated."

"Maybe I am." He joked.

"Yeah, emotionally." You rolled your eyes.

"I feel like you're taking a jab at me."

"Me? Of course not. Why would I? I have no reason." You feigned innocence. You most definitely had a reason.

Ever since the Ashen Wolves had joined the Golden Deer class, you had been infatuated with the purple haired boy. Yeah, he was cocky, and crass, and rude, and sneaky, but he was also kind, and thoughtful, and gorgeous. He was the perfect mix and you wanted to dive right in.

You started by simply asking him questions- about homework, sparing, Abyss, anything you could. You'd pick back up the conversation quickly if you'd gone too far and caused him to shut down. Quite frankly, you considered him as a friend. Maybe one day he'd be more-

"Ow! You little shit!" You exclaimed.

"Language!" Byleth scolded.

Yuri snickered out an apology, his smirk only growing wider when you glared at him.

"You did that on purpose." You pouted

"And if I did?" He tilted his head closer to yours, your noses barely brushing. "It's not like you're gonna do anything about it."

You flushed and shoved at his chest, making distance. "Break time!"

— — —

The day of the White Heron Cup was stressful for everyone involved.

Many wanted to pull Yuri aside, wishing him the best of luck. He'd thank them and awkwardly make an excuse to leave, not comfortable with the attention.

Overwhelmed, he made his way into the men's quarters of Abyss. He had two hours until the competition started and despite claiming that he "couldn't care less about winning", he was a little nervous.

Scratch that, he was very nervous.

Yuri stood in the quarters, his arms around an invisible partner, and began muttering a soft "1, 2, 3" to pace himself.

An hour passed and he was only getting more and more frustrated. The more he worked, the more he messed up. That's not how practice was supposed to go, right?

Was it left foot first? Or right? After what cue did he dip his partner? He had to win this. He'd be an embarrassment if not. But he was forgetting how to dance-


Was that an angel? Coming to save him from this hell?

No, it was just you.

Same thing, Yuri thought to himself. He turned around to face you, slightly out of breath from practicing.

"Professor sent me to check up on you. You've got an hour to go- are you okay?" You stepped into the room, making him take a small step back.

He'd hoped you hadn't noticed, but you did.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Yuri turned away from you. "Nothing's wrong."

He had hoped that you'd stop the subject, but you only stepped further. "Are you nervous?"

"Nervous? For what," he laughed. "I do not care about this. One bit. It's a waste of time."

"For someone who doesn't seem to care, you sure were practicing a lot just now." You looked around for a minute as Yuri didn't reply. "Do you want me to practice with you one more time?"

The boy looked at you over his shoulder, his lavender eyes softening a little. "Sure."

You walked over to him, curtsying. Yuri grabbed your hand and pressed his lips to it again before bringing you to his chest, his hand going to rest on your waist. You were slightly confused.

"You know the proper form is to have your hand on my shoulder blade, correct? And you shouldn't kiss your partner's hand." You tried to correct him.

He only tutted. "Yes, I'm aware, but you're more than just a dance partner."

You flushed a little, but stayed silent. You let Yuri guide you this time, trusting in his judgement and movements. Besides his hand placement, he was doing everything correctly. You had no clue what he was nervous about- he was practically perfect.

Unlike you.

You tripped over your feet again and again. Your body was shaking and you couldn't tell if it was from your rusty dance skills or the fact that Yuri just made you so.. damn.. flustered. You'd accidentally stepped on his foot for the third time before you decided to stop.

"Goddess, Yuri, I'm so sorry." You shook your head. "I'm not the best practice partner-"

"You're wonderful." Yuri cut you off. He hadn't let go of your waist, instead letting his other hand release itself from yours and drag its fingers across your cheek. "You've helped me so much already."

"I wish I could've done more," You sighed, leaning into his touch a little. Maybe he returned your feelings? Or was he just being Yuri?

"Stop, stop degrading yourself." He laughed. His eyes held... adoration? "You're exceptional. I wish there was some way to repay you." Yuri thought for a moment, and then snapped his fingers before brushing the same hand through your hair, bringing your forehead to touch his. "Actually, I know how I can repay you."

"You do?" Your eyes were half lidded now.

Yuri only nodded. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for a lovely kiss, but only felt a light pressure on your cheek. You opened them angrily.

"That's for your tutelage." He smirked. "I'll give you the real thing if I win."

He pressed another kiss to your cheek and walked out of the quarters. You stood there for a few seconds, praying to the Goddess that Yuri would win.

He did.

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