eavesdropping. | ashe

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"he's so cute."

"just ask him out already!"

"what? no way, he'd never be interested in someone like me. we're so... opposite."

ashe stopped in his tracks. he'd recognize your voice anywhere. the loudness, the bubbly tone, everything. even when you were complaining, you were always brighter than the sun. he peeked around the corner seeing you talking with one of the other female students- one he had yet to meet.

but, you always made new friends, so who knows how many you really have without him knowing.

ashe stood still behind the wall's corner, wanting to listen to you. he felt bad for eavesdropping, but who could blame him? he had to know who the notorious (y/n) (l/n) liked.

you and ashe were quite close, but no matter who you were friends with you seemed to keep them at an arms length away. hell, you've been friends with dimitri for years- to the point that your parents had considered an arranged marriage because you were just that close- but you held him away. nobody knew your secrets and you never let anyone close enough to try.

you were like claude in a way, ashe would think, but goddesses forbid two claudes.

a small screech shook ashe from his thoughts. he peeked around the corner to see the other student laughing at you, your face burning red.

"no! there's no way- i don't care what sylvain heard. he's probably just joking in the first place!" you cried.

"no, i promise you! he told me word for word: 'ashe is totally into you! he talks about you nonstop and is always smiley and shit when you're around'!"

"that means nothing. he's sweet to everyone. i can't just.. confess so suddenly." your mood suddenly became sullen.

the girl placed her hand on your shoulder. "y/n, please. im begging you to do it. you have nothing to lose and i know he wouldn't let it ruin your friendship."

you took a deep breath and nodded. "yeah, yeah. he'll understand. thanks."

you gave a small smile to the girl before turning and walking in ashe's direction. he gasped a little and turned around, scurrying to the classroom before he was late.


dinner came later tonight than normal.

in your last lesson, you had found a letter on your desk addressed to you.

'meet me in the greenhouse before dinner <3' it had read.

throughout the class, you panicked. had that student gone back and told ashe about your plans? what if sylvain was just trying to mess with you and ashe didn't actually like you? such thoughts ran through your head until professor byleth dismissed class to get ready for dinner.

you walked slowly to the greenhouse, taking your time to calm your nerves. but walking slowly only allowed time for more thinking, so you quickened your pace and hurried. your whole body was shaking at this point, but you still opened the greenhouse to see ashe standing in the middle, his hand full of your favorite flowers.

"ashe.." you covered your mouth and walked closer to him, closing the door.

"y/n l/n, i love you. i love how your hair falls just perfectly, how your eyes are always so bright even in the midst of battle. i love how loving you are, how caring you are to anybody- even your enemies. i want that love to be for me, too. i hope you accept this confession, but i think you will and that makes me so happy." ashe spoke. his words seemed to be perfectly rehearsed, full of love and adoration.

you smiled and took the flowers from his hand, placing them on the floor gently. you grabbed his hands and stood on your toes, pressing a small kiss against his cheek.

"i accept." you smiled, leading him out of the greenhouse to walk hand in hand to the dining hall.

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