horse girl. | sylvain

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"Are you sure about this? I'm not the best with horses-"

"Do you trust me or not?" Ingrid interrupted you, "I said that I'd help you. I know Sylvain- he'll love this."

You looked at her worriedly but soon turned back towards the horse, brushing its cream-colored mane. You pressed your lips into a thin line and mounted the horse, getting used to the feeling of being on the saddle as Ingrid held onto a lead. She began moving the horse around slowly as you held on for dear life. After a few more rounds, you dismounted and walked towards the stables.

You put the horse up and took off it's saddle, turning around to put it up.

"Fancy seeing you here, huh?"

A voice made you jump, nearly dropping the saddle. "Sylvain," you breathed out, "What brings you here?"

"You do, actually," He laughed, "You haven't talked to me in a few days. I was starting to think I did something wrong."

You furrowed your eyebrows, waving your hands. 'No, you didn't do anything wrong. I've- I've just been busy, is all."

"Busy? Then why are you here instead of working?"

Your mind scrambled to find an excuse, You couldn't tell him the truth, obviously.

"I have stable duty."

"Really? I thought today was Ashe and Ingrid's turn-"

"Ingrid had to help Felix with, uh, something. So I took her job. Ashe already left."

Sylvain shrugged, believing you. "Huh, okay. Well, if you're not mad at me then I guess I'm okay. See you around, (Nickname)."

"Yeah," you sighed as he turned away, "See you around."

— — —

The trail was quiet, save for the idle chatter that you and Ingrid were engaging in.

A week had passed since she started giving you riding lessons and you had improved substantially. You were extremely happy and you were sure the poor horse you had been training with was too. No more mistakes that couldn't be quickly fixed. You had originally begun learning how to ride a horse in order to impress Sylvain. It would give you another reason to talk to him- maybe to learn riding tips or something. But now you simply enjoyed it.

You enjoyed feeling the wind in your hair, hearing your best friend laugh as she rode beside you, the thrill of riding. It was all amazing. Maybe you'd ask the professor to change your goal to cavalry-

"What are you two doing out here?"

You screamed at the voice again, seeing a figure walk in front of you. You pulled at your horse's reins, trying to make her avoid the person, but instead she reared up, bucking you onto the ground in the process. Pain blossomed in your back and head as you hit the dirt trail. It was all you could think about as you heard Ingrid and Sylvain talk to you.

"(Y/N), can you hear me?" Ingrid asked.

"Mmm," you clenched your eyes shut, "Talk a little quieter."

"Sylvain," She turned to him, "This is your fault. She's probably got a concussion."

"My fault? I just wanted to see why she was avoiding me-"

"Ask her after you help me take her to the infirmary." She turned back to you, the tone of her voice getting softer, "Don't fall asleep. Professor Manuela needs to check you."

You only mumbled in response, feeling Sylvain pick you up and cradle you to his chest as he walked to the infirmary. The walk was hard– Sylvain and Ingrid tried to keep a conversation going to keep you awake, but nothing worked. He was just so warm, and comfortable, and he smelled so good-

"Oh, Goddess! What happened?"

There goes your daydream. Manuela took you from his arms and laid you down on a bed, quickly grabbing a few tools to check your concussion. Eventually she was finished, deducing that you did, in fact, have one. You nearly groaned at the thought. Sure, you felt like shit, but all you could think about was how overbearing Ingrid was going to be as you recovered.

Manuela looked at Sylvain as you covered your eyes with your arm, the light bothering you. "Will you take her back to her room?" She asked, "Close all the curtains and let no light in. Just make sure it doesn't get worse, okay?"

Sylvain nodded and picked you up again, "Yes ma'am."

As he closed the infirmary door, you lifted your head from his chest, your eyes still closed. "Y'know I can walk by myself,right?"

"Yeah," Sylvain chuckled, "You're literally swaying in my arms. You're way too dizzy to walk."

You only huffed, leaning back into his chest. If he wasn't going to make you walk, then you certainly weren't going to protest any further. "Fine."

You got to your room all too soon and you nearly cried when Sylvain laid you down on your bed, tucking you in before closing the curtains. He fluffed your pillow before sitting on the edge of the bed. "So, why were you riding a horse in the first place? You've never ridden horses."

You turned and buried your face in the pillow, mumbling out some words.

"What was that?" He laughed.

"It's embarrassing," you whined.

"I'm sure it isn't. Now c'mon."

"I learned to have more things to talk about with you," You faced him but still kept your eyes shut, partially from your headache but also from fear of Sylvain's reaction.

"You- what?"

"I learned to get closer with you, alright? I wanted us to have more in common so that I could get closer with you."

Sylvain was baffled. You wanted to get closer to him? "But- but why?"

"Because I like you, you idiot." Your face was red and your eyes were open, "But it doesn't matter now, I'm sorry. Goddess, it's creepy isn't it?"

"No, no, no," Sylvain tried to find his words, "It's not creepy at all. If anything it's flattering. But, why me? You know about my reputation. I might accidentally hurt you and I don't want to do that."

You sat up, ignoring the headache. "The fact that you're worried about hurting me shows me that you won't. If you're self aware, then you can work towards not hurting me." You cupped his face with your hands, "I trust you not to hurt me, Sylvain."

He looked away, holding onto your wrists. "You- you don't want me for my crest?"

You laughed, "Sylvain, remember how I didn't know you had a crest until like last month?" He nodded, so you continued, "I liked you long before that. Even when I found out, my feelings never changed."

Slowly, he meets your loving gaze. His own was worried and your heart hurts. You knew that he deserved someone who didn't want his crest. He deserved someone to truly love him. To treasure him no matter what, crest or no crest. You wanted to be that.

Carefully, you brought his face to yours. You pressed your lips against his in a gentle kiss, pulling away a little to let him leave if he wanted to. Instead, he held your arms in place again and kissed you back, a little harder this time. You smiled into the kiss and moved a hand to his hair, combing through it. You pulled back reluctantly and smiled at him before grimacing as a sharp pain shot through your head.

"Are you alright?" Sylvain asked, letting you lay back down in the bed. When you nodded, he looked away from you again. "I'm sorry for scaring you and your horse like that. It was just- you hadn't talked to me for like a week and I was starting to get scared that you hated me or that I did something wrong. I didn't want you to be mad or leave me."

You reached across the blankets, grabbing his hand and rubbing your thumb across it. "It's okay. I'm honestly glad that you confronted me. I wouldn't have had the courage to confess if we weren't right here."

Sylvain laughed and squeezed your hand. He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Get some rest. I'll be here the whole time."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

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