Chapter 25: No Limit's!

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It's a busy day for Logan, not so much with the WWE although because he's changing the name to his charity, they need more time to sort out the paperwork for them to become partners in the adventure, today Logan has meeting's with his lawyers about trying to make the world better, although it's not as easy as you think because half of them aren't as on board with him.

Martin: ... Kid, you can't do this. You'll piss off a lot of people.

Logan has about 6 lawyers, not really for much choice but you sort of need them all when you have a company trying to save the world and what not, though not all of them are as on board with Logan trying to turn the Kenway name into a better one then it is right now.

Logan: What about pissing me off? Get it sorted. People need places to stay, food to eat. If you can tell me a way I can do that without doing this, then I'm all ears.

Logan's been at this for about an hour, he thought the reason he pays these people is so he doesn't have to deal with this crap but apparently he does, all he wants to do is put a department of the company onto trying to make a better more organic source of food so people around the world won't be starving to death, is that too much to ask.

Grace: No one's saying that what your doing isn't a good thing, Logan. But you will rub a lot of powerful people the wrong way.

Logan sighed while rubbing his face, it's way too long and he already doesn't care, Logan just wants to get this dealt with, Alexis though could only watching him over in the kitchen, the laptop on the island while they went around and around is circles, but she could tell he's getting annoyed with this same old shit.

Logan: You have kids, right? Tell me. What would you want me to do if you had to send your kids to bed with empty stomachs...?

Logan looked to them all as he was getting frustrated by all this so he opted to tug at their heart strings, most of them do in fact have kids or family members that are young people so he knew he was getting to them when they just sat their seeming to think about the scenario Logan gave them.

Logan: ... Or any of you? If your kids, nieces, nephews. Brothers or sisters are starving and I could stop that from happening, would you want me to fix it or just sit by and watch as they get a monthly supply drop that has nothing in it?

Alexis was worried he'll go over board and say something that he'll regret but instead she actually smiled to his words, she's never seen him more determined for anything in his life, other then the WWE of course but he puts 100% into that anyway.

Logan: My daughter will be here in a few months and I have the chance to make the world a better place for her. You better be damn sure I'm going to do it. Now make this happen, or I'll find people that can.

Logan shut down the call, then closed the laptop lid with a loud sigh as his head hit the counter top, Alexis smiled over to him then looked to her little baby bump, she was obviously excited to see him trying so hard just for her but maybe he's trying just a little too hard.

Alexis: Having fun?

Logan looked up to her almost like he forgot she was sitting on the couch, she smiled to him though as he shook his head "No" with a small smile, Alexis held her arms out to him making him go over to her and gently fall into her arms, it was a comforting moment, one that they both needed while his head rested on her chest, her chin on his head, her arms around him gently running her hand through the back of his head, Logan's left hand gently going over her little bump while Alexis got an idea.

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