Chapter 52: Start The Search!

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It's one of the rare days off Logan's going to get from this point leading up to Survivor Series and Alexis wanted him to have a sleep in, in fact, Logan didn't wake up till it was past 10 in the morning, when Aelin's born, he won't be able to sleep that late again, so he did take it while he could, that was until he looked to his right, Logan sleeps on his front so he looked to see Gionna relaxing beside him, just doing Gionna things...

It's one of the rare days off Logan's going to get from this point leading up to Survivor Series and Alexis wanted him to have a sleep in, in fact, Logan didn't wake up till it was past 10 in the morning, when Aelin's born, he won't be able to sle...

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... Logan chuckled to her a little then let his head hit the pillow again, the impact made Gionna look to him and away from her phone, she turned to her side and moved as close to him as she could, Logan opened his right eye to look at her, she just sat there for a few moments before breaking the silence.

Gionna: Hi...

Logan chuckled again before turning over, now laying on his back, Gionna watched him look up to the ceiling then moved to check the time, it was about 10:12 or something, the girls have been awake for a while now, Gionna just got bored so she decided to join him in bed, not the first time, she's been sleeping here with him and Alexis the past few nights anyway so this is nothing.

Gionna: ... How's it going Champ?

Logan smiled to her as she bit her lip at him hiding her smile, he called her the same thing when she was Smackdown Women's Champion so it was quite amusing, Logan didn't answer her, not with words anyway, instead he put his right hand behind her neck and pulled her into a kiss, Gionna didn't fight it and just let it happen, she's been away for a few weeks, in her eyes, they have a lot of sex to catch up on.

Logan: Now, it's going pretty good.

Gionna giggled while laying back on the pillow, Logan sat up, his legs going to the floor on Alexis' side of the bed, it's not the first time he's done that in his sleep, when she's not here in the bed, he sometimes hugs her pillow, it smells like her and he is 100% simping at this point, he'll do anything to make her happy and that's what makes him happy.

Gionna: Hey, where you going...?

Logan got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom, he's about to take a shower, he only showers once a day on his day's off and it's in the morning, when he's at work, he showers before and after, no one likes the smell of sweat and Logan is paranoid about smelling bad, so he does everything he can to not smell like a teenagers soak, apparently Gionna didn't care and has a different task for him in mind.

Gionna: ... You can't kiss a girl like that and not go a little lower.

Logan took a second but eventually figured out what she meant, it was also pretty obvious when she pointed to her slightly spread open legs, Logan isn't going to leave one of his girls unsatisfied though and dropped his clean clothes, then climbed back onto the bed, walking on his knees.

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