Chapter 64: The First Few Days!

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The nurses took the babies away from them just so they can get them cleaned and wrapped up, Alexis didn't mind because now she can get some well deserved rest, it's been a long 2 days or so for her and she's done a fantastic job, Logan never dreamed of being a father much less to twins, Aelin and a baby boy, two beautiful baby's, one of which is a complete surprise to them.

Logan leant over to Alexis and kissed her forehead while she slept, then sat back into the chair they gave him a couple days ago, Logan refused to leave her no matter what the reason was, he wanted to be with her the entire time and he was, now he needs to figure out a way to tell the world, and he figured a simple post to Social Media with a good picture of her would do the trick, so he looked for one of his favourite pictures of her and he found this one...

 It was a picture from the day she found out she was pregnant, they were having a pool party, just because they could and she didn't feel very well, Becky and a few others told her to take a test, just in case and now their here with Logan sat the...

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... It was a picture from the day she found out she was pregnant, they were having a pool party, just because they could and she didn't feel very well, Becky and a few others told her to take a test, just in case and now their here with Logan sat there smiling while Alexis is passed out not that far from him, he couldn't believe it, they were getting ready for one child, Aelin being the only one, but now they have a son as well, either way, the doctor has some explaining to do for missing this one out, as soon as Logan found the perfect picture, he made the announcement to their fans...

"@TheAlphaof_WWE - I can't put into words of how much love and pride I have for this amazingly strong women, everything's she's been through and done, she's never wanted for anything other then to be a mother.

Well, now after 46 hours she did it, not only once but twice, beautiful twins Aelin and a beautiful baby boy, a year ago I wasn't sure I needed a soon to be wife or kids but now I'm not sure I can be without her or them. See you all really, really soon."

... Logan knew it wasn't much but it's all he was able to say, he's been awake nearly as long as Alexis had, he couldn't sleep right now even if he tried, Logan's so excited right now, way to excited to get any sleep, so he just sat there and waited till Aelin and baby boy came back to them, Alexis stayed asleep for a good few hours while the news spread around the WWE fan base and the world, apparently CNN thought that Alexa Bliss and Logan Kenway having twins was news worthy.

Both of their phones were filled with nothing but love and support from their friends and loved ones, a lot of nice comments coming from online as well, sure you had the odd hater but they didn't care, they finally have a family of their own and Logan has his pups, Aelin and their son which was a huge surprise for them...


Logan's pacing back and forward in the hospital room with their son in his arm's, well, the boys head is in Logan's left palm and his right hand is holding the baby up so he's looking up to his new papa, Alexis is still on the bed while feeding Aelin, they have come up with a name for their new baby boy but their waiting till a couple of others join them before they get into it and right as Aelin finished her meal, a knock came at the door, then Duncan and Pamela walked in.

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