Chapter 51: Back on RAW!

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The WWE World has been none stop buzzing since Logan beat Roman at Crown Jewel to become the new Universal Champion, he's got a lot of love on Social Media and from his friends and loved ones but there isn't a day off for him, he's gone from Saudi with Alexis to Monday Night RAW with her too, it's the first time Logan's going to be on RAW Tv since his switch a few weeks back, it didn't matter, he's back to send a message and nothing else.

Adam: Ladies and Gentleman...!

The crowd cheered from seeing the new General Manager of RAW standing in the ring right as the show kicked off, it was something different but he's not here to talk about what's happening now, Adam's here to talk about the future and to talk about something special that happened recently.

Adam: A couple of Night's ago at Crown Jewel. We saw something unthinkable happen, two men went to Hell but one walked out. Victorious...

You didn't need to be a psychic to know who and what he was talking about, he's clearly mentioning Logan beating Roman Reigns inside Hell in a Cell, it was a moment that not many actually though would happen, many have said that they will beat Roman Reigns so when another says he will, they don't actually believe him all that much, Logan made them believe.

Adam: ... It's a pleasure to be here tonight to introduce to you. The new Universal Champion, Logan Kenway!

The crowd cheered as soon as the word "New" left the GM's mouth, Adam knew what's going to happen right now, Logan's not cleared for action but he is cleared to be here, only a couple days from his big night at Crown Jewel...

... The crowd cheered so loud for him it was impossible to even attempt to talk through mics, apparently they all love the fact that the WWE is no longer under Roman's reign, Logan walked out the curtain with a smile he couldn't get shot of even if he wanted to, Stevie with him and Akam and Rezar just behind them, they look like their security guards but their now, they have much bigger things in store for them.

Logan: I...

Logan stood in the ring and went to speak but he couldn't because the crowd started to chant, things like "Thank you, Logan!" and "You deserve it!", all echoed throughout the arena and it's made 10x better by the fact he's knows Alexis is backstage right now waiting for him, but as much as he loved listening to this and being in the ring with his friends and loved one, they didn't only have a certain time.

Logan: ... It's I who should be thanking you. Without, every single one of you, this moment for me would't be possible. I wouldn't have met Alexa and my daughter wouldn't be on the way. So, thank you.

Logan was a little bit real with them but that's only because it hasn't sunk in yet, everything he's done to get here from where he was, it was near torture but because of his friends, loved ones and fans, he was able to come back, not only stronger but better.

Logan: But I now stand here as your new Universal Champion and I ask myself, "what's next?", I'll tell you whats next. Survivor Series...

Logan paced back and forward a little with Stevie doing her part, encouraging the crowd and hyping up the situation, she'll be doing a little more as part of the Pack as well but not just yet, she hasn't got to wait long but she'll get her chance, just like the AOP who are just standing by, just in case.

Logan: ... Survivor Series is just around the corner, now I have two options, defend MY, Universal Championship. Or take the fight into War Games...

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