Chapter 74: Christmas Party! {Part - 1}

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Everyone's ready for tonight, Hunter took the kids out the house and rightfully so, Logan's not sure where they went but the house is empty meaning they can fuck all over Stephanie McMahon's house, the kitchen the living room, the basement, the bathrooms and even her bedroom, the only rooms that are off limits is their office and the kids bedrooms, no one's going to be that much of an ass though since their using the eldest's room, Aurora's room to change, their not to touch anything and their not going to, it's just a place for them to leave their stuff while they fucked their co-workers around this huge house.

Mike: Maryse is so excited to meet the twins. She hasn't stopped talking about it since the announcement.

Logan smiled to Mike as they got ready, it doesn't take long, just get naked, get your mask and spray loads of deodorant, no one wants to be the smelly guy at this sort of thing, Mike is ready as well, he's got the Wolf mask this time, Logan picked the Lion one to mix things up, sure the tattoo's will give it away but it's all in good fun.

Logan: You guys are welcome whenever you want. If it weren't for you they probably wouldn't be here.

Mike walked over to him and handed him a bottle of water, Duncan's behind them just listening to music, he does that all the time to hype himself up for the long night of fucking, Tez is in the bathroom doing what he needs to do, that's another rule, always use the bathroom before going out there, even if you don't feel like it, just try it anyway, Mike then sat beside the Universal Champion and Logan actually owe's a lot to Mike, they worked a lot together during his first weeks in the company and it was him that convinced Logan to accept that invite to Steph's party all those years ago now where Logan first fucked Alexis.

Mike: Please, you two would have got together sooner or later. You two got that real love shit.

Logan chuckled while drinking from the bottle, it's tough because you need to stay hydrated but also you don't want to drink so much that you need the bathroom halfway through fucking, no one likes that stinging feeling when you cum with the urge to pee, it sucks, so he took sips, enough to fuel through tonight.

Logan: Like you and Maryse?

Mike nodded with a small "Exactly", the two smiled and tapped water bottles then just made small talk till that knock came at the door telling them it's time for them to get going, Tez came out the bathroom with the Tiger mask in place and Logan tossed a shoe at Duncan snapping him out his little music mode, Duncan grabbed his mask, he chose the Bear on which is fitting since he's the bigger out of them all, so with them all having their masks they left the 17 year olds bedroom and left heading into Stephanie's room where she's sitting on her bed with a couple of girls around her, B-Fab is with her and new face Carlee Bright, her real name is Kennedy Rae Cummins, she prefers Rae, she's a really new face, only having signed to the NXT program a few weeks ago, she must have done something right to be here tonight.

Camron Clay better known by her ring name Amari Miller, with Bianca Carelli more well known by her ring name Arianna Grace and Maddie Knisely, she does prefer to be called by her ring name of Thea Hail though, all of them new to this game and sitting on the floor, naked either side of Stephanie, the rest of the girls must be somewhere else in the house, all waiting for the guys to get to them.

Stephanie: You know the rules and where not to go. You cross me and my rules, you'll regret it. Am I understood?

Following the rules they all nodded to her, each wearing their respective mask being the only thing on their bodies right now as they all stood as naked as the day they were born, Logan looked across the girls though and seeing the two blondes, Thea and Rae sitting there cross legged with their perky tits out in the open, it just made him so turned on right now.

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