Chapter 32: Come Home!

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It's the start of Logan's long and well deserved break, only till next week of course when he and Austin will have a 2v2 tag team match against the Judgement Day, the new Unified Tag Team Champions, that's next Monday though, today Logan needs to see his boss, he's not sure what Steph wants to see him for but before he went to the Airport to head home to Orlando, he went to find out, knocking on the door to the penthouse suite that he was in the other day.

Stephanie: It's open!

Logan opened the door to see the penthouse completely changed from the other night, the bed's are gone the couches are changed, it looks like a brand new room, a completely different room, Logan actually though he had the wrong room, if it wasn't for his boss relaxing in a robe sitting on the couch, then he might have got a little turned around.

Logan: You wanted to see me?

Logan asked walking towards his boos, Stephanie nodded to him, putting down the magazine she was reading then muted the Tv, Logan sat beside her after she patted the seat, turning her attention and slightly open robe towards him.

Stephanie: I did. First, I'm very disappointed that you didn't come see me the other night. I thought we were going to have our own little fun ~

Logan smiled a little with a small chuckle, Logan does normally make sure to get around to her at these parties, you think he's got to the top like he has without pressing the flesh, he is a little impressed with himself though, he was second to only Duncan at the night and spent 30 minutes in a pretty top rate match-up with Austin, he's pretty impressed with his resilience.

Stephanie: Second. Why have you hurt little Lexi?

Logan sighed as he thought about what he did, he's pretty sure he's pissed her off since he wants to get back into the car that nearly killed him, also he missed hearing Steph call her the little nickname she gave her, to Steph, Alexis is "Little Lexi" and Logan's her "Cub", they really love giving him different nicknames based on his character.

Logan: She's just pissed that I kept the car.

He responded with a small little shrug, Stephanie sighed as she closed to gap between them and pulled his head onto her chest, Logan chuckled while her left hand went through his hair as he put his arms around her, Stephanie cuddled them closer together as she tried to talk a little sense into the younger man.

Stephanie: For a smart guy, you know nothing about women. She's not mad that you kept the car, she's pissed that you didn't tell her...

Logan went to move his head to look up to her but as soon as he tried, Stephanie forced his head back to resting just under her chin, Logan knew she had a point but he was more worried about the fact he didn't think of that, he knew he kept it from her but surely Alexis isn't going through this just because of that.

Stephanie: ... Now, your going to go home and apologise like your life depended on it...

Stephanie continued to rub his hair as she held him close to her, Logan was wondering where Hunter was at this point but that wouldn't matter anyway, Logan's on Stephanie's little list, when she says, you do, it's as simple as that.

Stephanie: ... But before you leave, why don't you give me what I want.

Logan couldn't say "No" and honestly he didn't really want to as she moved his head again, this time making him look to her and pressing their lips together, Logan will happily give her what she needs but there isn't anyway he can be in control, his little soldier might fall off if he does, luckily Stephanie was more then happy to take all control, it's how she likes it anyway...

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