Chapter 43: The Pack Vs The Bloodline!

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It's Friday 13th and you know what that means, Jason Voorhees's Marathon and Friday Night Smackdown, people all over the WWE are trying to predict who will leave Crown Jewel Universal Champion, a lot of people actually think it'll be Logan, since Roman has broke that 1000 day barrier, it's not set in stone now that Roman will keep the belt, especially with the Bloodline in as much turmoil as it is...

... Logan walked out the curtain ready to kick of Friday Night Smackdown, it's all mind games, normally Roman and his family would but not today, today is Logan's show and he's running Friday Nights right now as he walked to the ring with big Bronson Reed and Stevie with him, Bron Breakker still has some business to handle on NXT to deal with, then he'll be here but till then, it's just them.

Logan: Memphis Tennessee! Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown and we're going to do things a little differently. Because I don't need to damned respect from you guys right? You kinda just...

Logan stopped what he was saying as the crowd built up into cheers for him, just like out of nowhere, he's a "Face" again, it does kind of suck because it feels like that promo a few weeks back was all for nothing against Dwayne but it sill served a purpose and it was the kick off to Logan's journey of burning the The Bloodline out of the WWE.

Logan: ... See Roman, a real Champion, a real Man. Doesn't beg for respect, we take it, we earn it. I am a real Champion and that's why your not here tonight...

Logan again let the crowd do their thing as they boo'd for Roman not showing up again, Stevie and Bronson just stood behind him, Bronson looking like a bodyguard as Stevie fit well into the face role, encouraging the crowd with chants and what not, Logan's the Quarterback, Stevie's the cheerleader and Bronson's the big blocker in front of Logan making sure he don't get sacked.

Logan: ... His bitches are though.

Logan smiled looking at the crowd to his right, playing on words, Roman was the Big Dog and female dogs are called bitches, the crowd liked it but Logan was pretty pleased with it, especially when the crowd started to chant, "Roman's Bitches" then clapping after it.

Logan: Careful guys, you'll get us cancelled by the Karen sat at home watching this right now.

Logan laughed again as he even saw Bronson break character a little with a chuckle, it was quickly gone but it happened, Stevie though didn't need to hide her smile as Logan went back on track and talked to the WWE about the Bloodline.

Logan: Roman's bitches are here with leaves me with very little doubt that their going to come out here, disrespect me. Probably disrespect all of you in some way, then cause trouble...

Logan toyed with the microphone in his hands a little while looking down to the mat, he's already spoiling the show for them, he knows what's going to happen and he can say what he wants when he want's, hell, he can spoil Crown Jewel for everyone right here and right now but that would be an ass move and probably get him fired so he's not going to do that.

Logan: ... In fact, dogs obey orders right. So let's see how well you trained them Roman. I order the Bloodline to come out here in 3... 2... 1...

Logan, Stevie and Bronson looked to the walkway and up to the curtain, waiting and waiting, the crowd weren't sure if they would come out here right now or not but all unasked questions were finally answered as Jimmy didn't want to sit by...

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