Chapter 23: Fun In a Backroom!

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*No more Drama for a little while, just wrestling... both in and out the ring! Get it... See what I... Okay, I'll get on with the Chapter! Enjoy!*


Smackdown ended with Logan patting Austin on his shoulder when they got backstage, they hate each other in the ring but outside the ring, Logan likes the kid and honestly thinks that he can reach the top but only with this push that Logan's giving him, Logan's talking the truth in his promo's against Austin, as soon as he realises that Logan's generally giving him advice, he might get far.

Logan though has a new mission, he's done his job for tonight and now needs to find Kayla to apologize, she was open with him but he hasn't open with her, he feels like he's lied to her even if he didn't know the truth, although now he does and he found her just talking to a few other girls.

Thea: Hey, Logan. Been a while.

Logan smiled as she hugged him, he hugged her back as it has been a while, Alexis was the first girl Logan fucked but Zelina Vega was a second, though she is married to Malakai so Logan has to wait for permission, well, he's not here right now so what he doesn't know won't hurt him, Ashley fucks as she pleases so why can't Thea, Logan smiled into the hug while his hands roamed her back a little...

Logan smiled as she hugged him, he hugged her back as it has been a while, Alexis was the first girl Logan fucked but Zelina Vega was a second, though she is married to Malakai so Logan has to wait for permission, well, he's not here right now so ...

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Thea looked up to him with a small smile as she felt his hands just stop at the base of her back, Logan wondered if she wanted him to just lift her up now and find a room for them but he had a little more pressing matters to attend to and he's not talking about the hot Latino pushed against him.

Logan then made a little small talk with the girls, Scarlett, Shotzi, Tenille and Kayla, they were all quite flirty but Logan needed to speak to Kayla, so he took her hand in his then pulled her away, finding an empty, unused room, well, it was used but for storage, it has crates, steel chairs and tables laying around.

Kayla: What do you want to talk about? Or was that just a way to get me alone ~

Logan smiled down to her as he leant on a crate, his hands gripping the sides while her hands pressed on his chest, her small body pressed against his while her legs moved around his so she can gently grind her covered pussy on his thigh, giving Logan the perfect view of her in her outfit...

Logan smiled down to her as he leant on a crate, his hands gripping the sides while her hands pressed on his chest, her small body pressed against his while her legs moved around his so she can gently grind her covered pussy on his thigh, giving L...

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