Chapter 61: War Games!

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This is it, the big moment, War Games and Logan's last match before his daughters born, he's such a nervous rec about that, so he's thankful he has the WWE to take his mind away from it, not that he's not excited but it's also a scary thing but right now, he's not Logan Kenway, soon to be father and former Billionaire, he's the Alpha and needs to focus on the hunt...

... The Judgement Day came out the curtain to a wave of boo's they put the odds against Logan on this one, he started only needing one name to equal the odd's but now it's only him and LA Knight against all of them, KO never said that he'd help them take out the Judgement Day so he's not sure if they even have him, The Alpha has faith though that the people he did call, are going to come through for him.

Rhea, Dom, Finn and JD all entered their cage as Finn walked down to the cage, he and Rhea have been in War Games before so their game plan is to start off with them two, it seemed like the better thing to do since Logan is out for blood and their careers are now on the line, it didn't bother them though because as far as their concerned, Logan and LA Knight are on their own...

... Logan walked out the curtain with Venom themed gear, he's played the new Spider-Man game and loved it, so he wanted to show that here tonight, walking out with the Universal title around his waist looking to the Judgement Day who are openly mocking him for not having a team, Logan didn't seem too fazed as he walked towards the ring, high fiving and fist bumping his way there, he only stopped when he saw a young boy with Alexis' merch.

Logan smiled to him, taking off his Symbiote jacket and handing it to the boy, that made his day while his mother thanked Logan, he gave a small wave before continuing he way towards the cage, not taking his eyes off Priest who's already in the right side ring, he handed his title off to the ref then stepped inside, looking around the structure, Damian does have a slight advantage here because he's been in War Games before, Logan hasn't but Logan is good at mind games, which worked when he himself, closed the cage door, not looking away from Damian...

... Logan's one and only team mate so far came out the curtain to a huge reaction, nothing sounded quite like it, LA Knight isn't fazed by the numbers game either though as he just taunted the Judgement Day about how he's going to kick their asses, of course, neither Rhea, Dom, JD or Finn let him and taunted back, before LA Knight stepped into the empty cage, alone.

Logan looked back to him and nodded his thanks for being the only one willing to stand up to the Judgement Day with him, LA knight nodded back before Logan turned back to Damian Priest, ready for the match to start up but before the bell rung, a surprise to all happened...

... KO walked out the curtain to a big pop, everyone wants to see Logan beat the Judgement Day right here, tonight, but KO didn't look to sure about being here, looking between the Judgement Day's cell and LA Knight, both Logan and Damian watching him as well till he gave himself a few slaps to his own face and entered the cell with LA Knight already inside, that was one more added to the team, Logan's confidence about tonight has reached a new level but again, before he and Priest could start the match-up, someone made a shock return...

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