Chapter 35: Celebrating A Grand Slam!

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*Told you I'd try to keep this back to Daily updates! Enjoy!


It's a different day for Logan because this will be the first time he's ever going to be on the NXT brand, when he was signed to WWE he was fast tracked onto RAW, a couple of World titles later and he's now here at Full Sail for the first time in his WWE Career, Logan's actually quite buzzing, it's a breath of fresh air to be here, now he knows where Alexis kicked off her career, she however isn't here, she's drained from all the walking over the past couple days so she's at home keeping the dogs company.

Logan did though talk to Hunter last night about everything he and Alexis spoke about, he was more then okay with that, apparently his contract renewal was coming up soon anyway and it's not like they actually got anywhere with the whole, "him buying the WWE" thing, they hadn't even started the paperwork so it was no big deal on scrapping the idea, that was honestly a small weight off his shoulders.

Today, Logan has an easy job, just a one to one with one of the top raising stars in the WWE right now, Bron Breakker, they want him on the Main Roster and they want Logan to help him out, Bronson will be a big star one day, maybe the next Randy Orton or John Cena, he has a lot of potential and Logan doesn't want to be the one to slow that down, he wants to help the younger stars because Logan won't be here forever.

So he got ready and found his way to the young Bronson that's getting that call up, he doesn't have anything to say in this promo, he just has to listen to Logan, literally that's all they have to do, Logan liked being around here, it was a nice atmosphere, friendly, family ish vibe, he can see why Alexis excelled here.

Logan: Okay, you ready?

Bronson nodded as Logan got out of shot, he's just going to be doing elastic reps at the beginning of the video, it'll be aired tonight and build up for Bron's NXT No Mercy match, after that, the younger out of the two will join Logan on the Main Roster with Jermaine and Lucy, "The Pack" is slowly building stronger.

Logan: Wow, relax tough guy. I'm friendly...

Bron saw Logan walking towards him and stopped what he was doing, Logan though held his hands up in defense as he's come here with an olive branch, Bron didn't seem to relax but he did listen to what the Alpha of WWE has to say.

Logan: ... I saw what you did to Von Wagner last week. I know people back here don't like it but I could do with someone like you.

Bron looked like he was thinking about what he was being told, the stories already been wrote and Bron Breakker will be on the Main Event at the start of October, although it's be Logan's chose on who does what in the faction, he is the Alpha and he'll be going after the main titles, if he wins them or not he's not sure but as it stands, Alexis will be going after whatever the hell she wanted.

Logan: It's just an offer, think about it. I can take you back to the top of that mountain. All you have to do is follow me. Finish your business here, then let me know. The offer wont be here forever.

Logan then walked out of the camera shot while the camera got closure and closure to Bron, catching the look on his face, it didn't last long but just like that it was done, Logan and Bronson are done with their work, it was that simple, Bronson was actually looking forward to working with Logan, it's tough to remember that Logan has actually been around the world and has been wrestling since he was 19 near 20 odd.

Becky: Oh just the fella. Can you swing by the house later. We want to talk to you.

Logan was stopped by the Irish Lass Kicker as she's facing Tiffany Stratton tonight for the NXT Women's Championship tonight, that's why she's here, the match has seemed to just come out of the blue but Jessica has a bright future in the company, Logan would get her into "The Pack" but she wouldn't fit, her atmosphere doesn't scream the character he's looking for.

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