Chapter 34: Our Future!

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*Bit of a long one here for a come back! Enjoy!*


Logan's been spending the past few days making sure Alexis is comfortable, their literally a few weeks away from their daughter joining them and Logan is honestly really worried, her due date is the 10th of December... 

{If she actually has her baby on that date my mind will explode}

... Todays the 10th of September, their in the hotel for RAW, Alexis wanted to come with him this time which Logan was happy to do since everyone else was either not going to be at RAW or they have their own travel plans so he was happy for the company but that means that it's 3 months till he's officially a father, Logan never wanted kids but here he is actually terrified about becoming one, Alexis thinks it's cute but she could do with his panic mode a little lower.

Alexis: You need to relax a little. Your making me nervous.

Logan looked to her as she's tucked up in their bed just eating a bag of crisps, she's been a picky eater more then actually having a craving these past few weeks, she just seems to pick at everything, Logan didn't mind and just sighed as he let his arms flop beside him.

Logan: So you don't want what I did for you in there?

Logan asked indicating to the bathroom, Alexis looked at him with squinted eyes then held her hand out to him, her eyes still squinted while Logan went over to her and helped her to her feet, who'd have thought that even pregnant she is still the most beautiful women in the world, Logan quickly kissed her cheek making her look up to him like he's done something stupid, it's a far assumption since it's him but when she walked into the bathroom, she couldn't help but let a small gasp go and a smile cross her face...

Logan asked indicating to the bathroom, Alexis looked at him with squinted eyes then held her hand out to him, her eyes still squinted while Logan went over to her and helped her to her feet, who'd have thought that even pregnant she is still the ...

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... Logan stood there a little awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head, he's done things like this before but not to this extent, so he thought he did wrong, Logan didn't have his meds today which is why he's panicking so much, Alexis knew that he didn't like taking the meds all that much but he does need them, especially for moments like these.

Logan: Is it too much. I can turn it down if you want...

Alexis stopped him from going towards the tub as she hugged him, keeping him in place, Logan looked down to her as her head barely passed his shoulder, his right arm now dropped around as she looked from what he's done for her, then up to his slightly panicked face, she did think he's cute when he hasn't taken his meds, he turns into like a big cuddly kid.

Alexis: It's perfect. And your the best.

That did relax Logan a little bit as he verbally let out a deep breath, Alexis giggled to him as she literally felt him relax, Logan said that he'll leave her too it but before he could even leave, her arms around him, didn't let her Alpha go, making him look back down to her.

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