Chapter 47: The Alpha & Tribal Chief (Face to Face!)

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It's time for Smackdown and the shows reaching peak views with Logan being on clear fire with his story against the Bloodline, he beat Solo, the unbeatable Enforcer with Jimmy watching nearby, taunted Roman throughout the match and still came out on top, the crowd are fired up for the opening segment as Logan and Roman, come face to face for the last time heading into Crown Jewel next Saturday, there is one more Smackdown between here and then but neither Logan nor Roman will be present for that one since their already be in the Middle East preparing for literal Hell.

Logan: Wanted to see me H?

Logan knocked and walked into Hunter's makeshift office as he might not be on the Board anymore, he is still head of creative and get's the final say in most things that goes around here, Hunter looked up from his papers to see the man he wanted to see about the story.

Hunter: Uh, yeah. Come on in. Drink?

Logan nodded as he sat down in the chair Hunter indicated to him, Hunter got up after the door shut and walked over to a nearby mini fridge stocked with chilled waters, he handed one to Logan and picked one out for himself, Logan needed to keep hydrated with Steph's new party layout, multiple rooms in one night and what not, Hunter is happy he's not part of their world anymore, it's a young mans game and he's everything but these days.

Hunter: So what do you want to do? Your the Alpha. It's your Pack, talk to me and we'll reach some sort of middle ground.

Logan had a few ideas but after hearing Bronson won't be back till Mania Season, it's making them pretty hard to go through with, so they just started throwing ideas across to the other, Logan has a little freedom so he's able to at least discuss his plans with Hunter, Paul, Stephanie and the others, he'd rather work with those three though, the others are too stuck up and serious, Logan don't like that.

Logan: Actually...

Hunter stopped looking at his laptop, he had a few things wrote down for the story and the plan but Logan has also got a few things in mind, with how well everything's been working out for him lately, Hunter would be an idiot to not listen to the soon to be father, it's also that look he has in his eyes, he has something good planned.

Logan: ... Do they have to be signed to the WWE or can we bring new names in? Maybe back?

Hunter thought about it for a second while looking around a little, he can see what Logan's thinking, a return or a new face would spike ratings while also giving people something new to see then the same old faces, but Hunter doesn't have that much power anymore and can only do so much.

Hunter: Who do you have in mind?

Logan was going to say it but then thought otherwise, you never know who could have been listening and before you say he's being paranoid, all these investigator journalists and what not have been known to bug WWE rooms to get the scoop, so just on the slight off chance, Logan took a plan piece of paper and wrote down the names he wanted to see join him on the big league, Hunter didn't really say anything but did have a small smile on his face while nodding along with his thoughts.

Hunter: I'm not sure what the higher ups will say but I'll pass this along and well see.

It was strange hearing Hunter call someone else the "Higher Ups", ever since Logan's been here, Hunter was the "Higher Ups", well, Hunter and Steph anyway but now he's not even sure where Stephanie sits in all this, he hasn't seen her since SummerSlam though, only really talked over texts and what not.

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