Chapter 42 {Part - 3}: Room 345!

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*I've been thinking, now I wasn't going to make an actually Harem chapter because it didn't want to just write for a few girls, I wanted it to be open, so with that being said...

 Would you like me to make a Chapter to show who is already in the official Harem at this stage in the story?

... More girls will be added after of course but it'll tell you who's part of Logan's Pack right now and going forward. Let me know 😁! Enjoy the final of the Trilogy to the Fastlane Party!*


It's the last room for Logan's night, he's still actually pretty good to go, nothings holding him back anymore, sure he's only technically cam twice but three girls down and potentially another three to go, he's feeling good about himself and the room was not far from Natalya's room, he did wonder if the next room is going to be Jenni's but it's an odd number so on the opposite side to room 342, however, before Logan could knock on the door with the number 345 beside it, his phone in his pocket vibrated, obviously worried it was Alexis, he quickly took it out and saw his assumption was correct but the worry wasn't necessary.

Lexi👑💖👼: Having fun?  😉😘

Logan smiled to himself as he replied that he had one more room left and that he won't be long, he's a little confident now, he's also excited to brag to Duncan that he fucked Jenni before him, though he's probably a bit busy working on that wedding in a few weeks time, Logan's done his part and has a great stag sorted.

Lexi👑💖👼: Don't get too cocky now 😁... I'm not sorry, not one bit. 🤪🤣

Logan chuckled this time, he actually likes the bad jokes, he should start working on those dad jokes or he'll have failed but before all that, he needs to deal with whoever is behind door number 345, it could be anyone and the thought is actually quite exciting but the masks are pointless in this format, the orgy, he gets but why here.

Once he knocked and was told to go in, Logan was pleasantly surprised, it's not just one girl this time, maybe he hit the jackpot, he's not sure but he saw both NXT stars, Valerie Loureda or Lola Vice, wearing absolutely nothing and her more recent tag team partner, Karissa Rivera or Elektra Lopez, either way, Logan's looking forward to this because their not as nervous as Tiffany was earlier.

Valerie: I thought they were supposed to come naked? I came here for cock not a half naked guy.

Logan smiled under the mask as they were both on the bed, not far from each other but not touching each other neither, suppose it would have made his job here too easy if one of them was just a little Bi, he's going to have to please them by himself, what a hard life he lives.

Logan didn't say anything and just took off his shorts, his phone's still in his pocket just encase, he's sure they and Steph will understand if he needs to make a quick exit, though if this kid decides to come early and blue ball him, then their relationship isn't going to start off too well, so now Logan was just as naked as they were and walked over to the bed, the mask finally doing it's job since they don't seem to know who he is.

Karissa: Wait a minute, I know those tattoo's...

Logan stood at the foot of the bed as they both crawled towards him, Valeria really did just come here for cock as her hand started to rub him up and down, he apparently lost his excitement going from Natalya's room, I won't take long to get it back though as it raised when he saw them both naked sitting on the bed moments ago.

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