part 6

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The next day arrived, and with it, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursed through your veins. You couldn't deny the thrill of anticipation for the evening ahead, despite the lingering doubts and unanswered questions about Trevor. You thought maybe tonight might be the start of a very long and pleasant relationship. As you went about your day, the thought of your upcoming date flickered in the back of your mind, adding a touch of brightness to otherwise mundane tasks.

The day moved at a sluggish pace, each passing hour a reminder of the ticking clock leading up to your evening plans. Your emotions seemed to jump between excitement and  anxiety, you'd never done this before. He was much older then anyone you'd ever pursued before, or had pursue you. His bipolar attitude that seemed to have three different settings, angry, horny, and nervous, made you curious about what made him so guarded.

As you continued with your daily routine, your mind occasionally wandered to thoughts of past relationships. Memories of boyfriends who had fallen short of your expectations flashed through your mind, reminding you of the disappointments and heartbreaks you had experienced.

There was David, the charming musician who seemed perfect on the surface but turned out to be emotionally unavailable. He prioritized his music career over everything else, leaving you feeling neglected and unimportant. Despite his sweet words and promises, you realized he wasn't capable of giving you the love and support you needed.

Then there was Mark, the handsome and charismatic guy who swept you off your feet with grand gestures and extravagant dates. But behind his charm, you discovered a self-centered and manipulative nature. He played mind games, always seeking control and validation at your expense. It took you awhile to see through his facade and break free from his toxic influence.

These memories served as reminders of the red flags you had learned to watch out for. They made you cautious about getting too emotionally invested in someone like Trevor, with his complex personality and unpredictable moods. You knew that navigating a relationship with him would require careful consideration and self-awareness.

As the evening approached, doubts began to creep into your mind. You couldn't help but wonder if pursuing something with Trevor was worth the potential risks and uncertainties. The memories of past disappointments weighed heavily on your thoughts.  

Trevor's unpredictable moods and guarded nature made you question whether he could truly offer the stability and emotional connection you desired. You found yourself analyzing every interaction, searching for signs that mirrored the behavior of your past partners. The fear of being hurt again lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over your budding feelings.

Suddenly a text message pops up on your phone, it wasn't near time for your date and you hoped it wasn't the De 'Santa family needing you for some emergency all ready. No, instead you saw a picture from Trevor, he was making some silly face into the camera. You wanted to respond but what should you respond? Something too girly would throw him off, something too cold with push him away, and not responding at all wasn't an option. 

Then suddenly a thought crossed your mind, what if you sent a photo back? You adjusted your position to find the perfect angle and lighting, ensuring that the photo captured your best features. With a few tries, you managed to capture an image that conveyed a sense of warmth and approachability. You were satisfied with the result and quickly sent it to Trevor, eager to see his reaction.

As you awaited his response, a mix of excitement and nervousness fluttered in your stomach. You hoped that your photo would convey your interest and enthusiasm without overwhelming him, honestly being this caught up in what he'd think proves how desperate you'd become. You wondered if he would appreciate the effort and respond in kind, or if he would interpret it as a sign of vulnerability that he might exploit.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now