Part 10

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        When you finally turned onto Michael's street that street lamps had buzzed to life and the road was shimmer due to the fresh rain that had begun to fall. Trevor parted on the side of street just out of site of the gate and put the car into park. The engine's gentle hum filled the silence between you as you both sat there, taking in the moment. The raindrops tapped rhythmically on the car's roof, creating a soothing melody that seemed to match the newfound peace settling in your hearts.

Trevor turned off the engine, and the car fell into a comfortable silence. You glanced over at him, studying his profile, the way his features softened in the dim light. It amazed you how much had transpired between the two of you in such a short span of time. From initial skepticism to vulnerability, from hidden struggles to shared hopes, you had both embarked on a journey together, and it was only the beginning.

"Listen," he began breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the car. His voice wavered slightly, betraying a hint of nervousness. He averted his gaze, staring out into the rain as if searching for the right words. The weight of his struggle became palpable, filling the car with an air of tension. "I need you to understand," Trevor continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "Quitting... It's not going to be easy. It's not something I can just do." He paused, taking a deep breath as if gathering his thoughts. "It's been a long time since I tried."

You'd almost completely forgotten the age gap here, lack of experience with everything. If this wasn't his first time trying to quit then just how long had this been a problem? Would you be enough to help him, was it silly to even think so, are you helping or hindering? There were so many questions and suddenly you understood his anxiety about the whole thing. There was nothing normal about this situation, in a sense you barely knew him, he'd done that on purpose but why? Honestly you were surprised he listened to you at all and when he did you weren't sure how to respond because the last time you'd tried to help someone quit anything it became a cycle of 'I will, Eventually, and I'm working on it.'

The weight of uncertainty settled upon you, and you took a moment to gather your own thoughts. The gravity of Trevor's struggle became more apparent, and you realized that this journey toward change would require more than just words of encouragement. "I understand that this won't be easy," you said, your voice filled with empathy. "And I don't expect it to be." Trevor's gaze shifted to meet yours, and you could see the mix of emotions swirling within his eyes, there was fear, doubt, and a flicker of hope. You take a deep breathe and conjure up enough confidence to hopefully scare away the worry, "All I want you to do is try." It was clear that he yearned for a way out of the cycle he had found himself in, but the road ahead seemed like such a daunting task.

Trevor's eyes widened as he processed your words. You could see the turmoil within him, the fear of disappointing you and the uncertainty about his own ability to make a change. It was a heavy burden to bear, and you wanted nothing more than to alleviate some of his anxieties. You wondered why he fought you so much on trusting anything you said and did, his trust issues must run so deep that you haven't even begun to unravel the knot in his mind. "It's been a long time since you last tried," you said softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm, for a moment it felt as if he were shaking, "But this time is different. You don't have to face it alone."

Trevor's brows furrowed, his gaze locked on your hand resting on his arm. He seemed to get defensive again, moving away from your touch as if you'd burned him. "Yeah, well, I've heard that before too. What if I stumble? What if i fuck it all up, I can't trust you to-" His emotions began to get ahold of him as his voice got louder so did his anxieties. In that moment, you saw the walls of Trevor's defenses rising high, shielding himself from the vulnerability that threatened to consume him. His voice trembled with fear and frustration, his anxiety spilling over in a torrent of words. It was clear that he was grappling with his own doubts and insecurities, projecting them onto the situation and onto you.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now