Part 33

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As the shock of being shot sets in, your body goes through a whirlwind of physical and emotional reactions. Your adrenaline surges, partly numbing the pain and heightening your senses. However, the gravity of the situation also starts to sink in, and fear and panic begin to take hold. Your heart pounds rapidly, and your breathing quickens as your body enters a fight-or-flight response. You want to run, want to flee, you were terrified but strangely there was this flicker of something that despite it all wanted to fight back. Unfortunately all you can do is sink into the truck seat, down far enough you'd be out of sight.

Michael, glances at you before realizing you'd been hit, he turns to you ducking down behind the truck seat for cover, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay? Are you hit?" he asks urgently.

"I think-I've been shot," you manage to stammer, your voice trembling.

Michael's eyes widen with concern as he takes in the gravity of the situation. "Okay, stay down and try to keep pressure on the wound," he instructs, tearing a piece of fabric from his shirt to use as a makeshift bandage. With shaky hands, he helps you apply pressure to the wound to slow down the bleeding as much as possible.

Meanwhile, the chaotic scene around you continues to unfold. Gunshots ring out, and you can hear Trevor's unmistakable voice shouting commands and threats. He's a whirlwind of controlled chaos, taking cover behind objects and returning fire with precision. Despite the danger, he seems to be holding his own, though you can't help but worry about him too.

Michael glances out from behind cover, assessing the situation before turning back to you. "We need to get out of here," he says urgently. He turns to look for the keys to turn the truck on but finds they aren't in the ignition. "Damnit Trevor." He growls in frustration

Your heart pounds even faster at Michael's frustration, realizing that the truck won't start. The chaotic situation seems to have impacted Trevor's concentration is elsewhere, and the keys are nowhere to be found. You hear more gunshots in the distance, and panic threatens to consume you. The feeling of vulnerability intensifies as you sit helplessly, knowing you're injured and trapped in the midst of danger.

Michael's eyes dart around, searching for an alternative plan. "We can't stay here. We need to find cover and figure out our next move," he says, his voice determined despite the tension in the air.

This was stupid, This is ridiculous, why do i never choose the safer option? Your thoughts are swirling most of them in regret of every decision you've ever made up until this point, "There has to be something in this god forsaken truck." You say with a groan, cradling your shoulder as you begin to rummage through Trevors truck for anything of use.

With trembling hands and a sense of urgency, you start rummaging through the various compartments. Michael starts helping you too. He tears his eyes off the scene of the battle to search for anything useful. He glances over at you. "Are you okay?

You nod and go back to searching. He goes back to looking out of the window and you hear another gunshot. You hold your breath until you see him duck back under the dashboard. He looks at you again and mouths 'keep going'. You can tell he's growing more nervous by the minute. You feel the same way but you're also eerily calm.

You keep looking around and you finally spot something but it isn't what you expected, "Holy shit!" You whisper. In the dim light of the truck's interior, you hold up the unexpected find—a flashbang grenade. The device feels heavy and ominous in your hands, its surface cold and metallic. Your heart skips a beat as you realize the potential power it holds. A whirlwind of thoughts rushes through your mind, trying to process what to do next.

The flashbang could provide a diversion, giving You, Michael, and Trev a chance to escape from this perilous situation. Fear and uncertainty gnaw at you, and you can feel your hands trembling as you weigh the options.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now