Part 36

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As the midnight hour cloaked the world in shadows, you found yourself immersed in the deepest slumber, cradled within the realm of dreams. Suddenly, an abrupt and thunderous thud resounded through the stillness, assaulting your senses and tearing you away from the embrace of sleep. You shot up, disoriented and groggy, like a sailor abruptly tossed from the tranquility of the harbor into a tempestuous sea. With a heavy fog lingering over your thoughts, you attempted to make sense of the situation. Your legs, seemingly burdened by an unseen force, felt as though they were encased in lead. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you reached for a sense of normalcy, only to find your fingers tangled in your unruly hair, which stood upright in an unnatural display.

Your hand inadvertently touched the tattoo etched across your collarbone, and your memories flooded in like a tidal wave. Trevor's name, forever engraved on your skin, a constant reminder of a love now tainted by the shadows of the past. Gazing at the closed bedroom door before you, your heart pounded in your chest. Who could be rapping on your door at this unearthly hour? Were they friend or foe? A chill ran down your spine as you considered the possibilities, and your hand involuntarily drifted to your neck, the ever-present memory of that day—a wound that had left its mark on your soul. With every breath, you fought to regain your composure. The world outside your door remained a mystery, and you wrestled with the decision of whether to confront it or remain hidden in the shelter of your room. But there was no escaping the past or the consequences of your choices, just as there was no escaping the pounding on your door, demanding your attention.

In that moment, the truth of your existence unfolded before you like a novel with every chapter laid bare. You were no longer an ordinary soul, but one ensnared in a labyrinth of love, loss, and the scars that mapped the journey of your life. And now, fate had presented you with a new chapter, leaving you to navigate its treacherous waters. Another deep breathe as you leave the comfort of your bed and the sheets that had previously wrapped around your legs. As you stepped out of the warm cocoon of your bed, a shiver ran down your spine, not only from the cool air that brushed against your skin but also from the anticipation of the unknown. You stumbled, feeling unsteady on your feet, the grogginess refusing to loosen its grip on your senses.

The flashing light of your phone caught your attention, beckoning you with its silent notifications. Your sister's messages, an influx of social media updates you had missed, and a few texts from Jimmy piled up, each one seemingly demanding your immediate attention, none of which were who you really wanted to hear from. But there was something else that demanded your focus—the insistent pounding on your front door that seemed to vibrate through the walls. Swallowing hard, you took a moment to collect yourself, your heart still racing as you approached the bedroom door and open it up. The living room was just how'd you remembered it last, the remnant smells of the marijuana lingered in the air as the air wafted over your face.

As you stepped into the living room, the dim glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains painted eerie patterns on the walls. The familiar surroundings provided little comfort, especially when juxtaposed with the lingering scent of marijuana that hung heavily in the air. Your senses felt heightened, every creak of the floorboards underfoot seemed magnified, and your heart thrummed like a drumbeat in your chest. With hesitant steps, you edged closer to the front door, curiosity and trepidation warring within you. The pounding continued, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment. As you reached for the doorknob, a nagging thought nagged at the back of your mind—could it be him? Could it really be Trevor? You took a deep breath, bracing yourself for what you might find.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, you pulled the door open. And there he stood, a stark contrast to the enigmatic Trevor you saw last. His tall and imposing frame was slightly hunched, a sharp departure from the usual swagger that accompanied his every move, he looked disheveled and worn. His once wild and untamed hair appeared matted, and the scruff on his face hinted at neglect. The glint of mischief that once danced in his eyes was now obscured by a deep weariness, as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders. As your eyes met, a mix of emotions swirled within you—surprise, concern, and most of all affection.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now