Part 43🚩

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Trevor's fingers tightened around your hand, sending a surge of tension through your body. The sudden interruption of your peaceful evening brought an unexpected mix of curiosity and suspicion to Trevor's eyes. Glancing at the caller ID, you saw Eliot's name flashing on the screen. His calls were infrequent, and you couldn't help but wonder about the reason behind this unexpected contact.

"Who is it?" Trevor's voice held a hint of caution as he asked the question.

"It's Eliot," you replied, showing him the phone screen. "I wonder what he wants."

Trevor grunted, clearly not thrilled about having to deal with anyone else's problems. "Well, answer it then," he said, reluctantly releasing your hand.

You took a deep breath and answered the call, You quickly slide to the left of your screen to accept the call. "Hey, Eliot. What's up?"

"Hey, (Y/N). I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Eliot said, his voice slightly hesitant.

"Just hanging out," you replied, shooting Trevor a reassuring look. "What can I do for you?"

Eliot hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Look, I need Trevor's help with something. It's... a bit complicated, and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent. Is he around?"

Trevor's eyebrow raised, and he gave you a questioning look. "What does he want?" he whispered to you.

You shrugged in response, uncertain about Eliot's intentions. "He said he needs your help with something urgent. I don't know the details yet," you whispered back.

Trevor let out a low grumble, clearly torn between his reluctance to get involved and his curiosity about the situation. "Fine, put him on speaker," he said, leaning closer to the phone.

You switched to speaker mode, and Eliot's voice filled the air again. "Trevor, are you there?"

"Yeah, what," Trevor replied, his tone cautious.

"I need your help, Trevor. I've found myself in a tight spot," Eliot explained, his voice tense with urgency.

Trevor leaned back, considering Eliot's request carefully. He was well aware of his standing in the criminal world and the power he wielded, but he was equally cautious about getting involved in other people's affairs. "Why the hell should I help you?" Trevor demanded, wanting a convincing reason before committing to anything.

Eliot took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to persuade Trevor. "Because if we don't act fast, the LSV will be able to expand their operations further, they're venturing out, into new cargo. I know you don't care about the politics, but if they get what they're after, it's not just gonna affect me; it'll have a ripple effect on everyone. You've got a score to settle with them too, don't you?"

Trevor's eyes narrowed at the mention of the LSV, a notorious gang he had clashed with in the past. The mere thought of them reignited his desire for revenge and dominance. He was torn between his natural aversion to getting involved and the temptation of taking down a formidable opponent. "You're not wrong," Trevor admitted, his mind grappling with the decision. "But I've got my own shit to deal with, and I don't know if I want to get mixed up with you and your shit."

Eliot understood the delicate balance he had to strike. He needed to offer something that would entice Trevor into action while respecting his independence and reluctance to help. "Think about it, Trevor. The LSV won't be expecting you to come after them."

Trevor's lips curved into a subtle grin, his competitive spirit piqued by Eliot's words. Taking down the LSV and asserting his dominance in the criminal world was an alluring prospect, even if it meant stepping into a dangerous situation. "I'll consider it," Trevor finally replied, not willing to give away his decision just yet. "But I'm not promising anything yet."

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now