Part 18 🚩

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"Trevor," you said gently, placing a hand on his arm. "Are you okay?"
He looked at you, his expression momentarily guarded, but then he sighed, seemingly relenting to the truth. "I'm fine, darlin'," he replied, trying to brush it off.

You didn't buy it. You knew he was struggling, and you weren't going to let him push you away. "Trevor, you don't have to hide it from me," you said firmly, your concern evident in your eyes. "I know when you're going through withdrawals. Talk to me."

He sighed again, his resistance crumbling under your persistent gaze. "It's nothing," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact. "Just a little...uncomfortable, that's all."

You shook your head, knowing that it was more than just discomfort. "I'm here for you. Lean on me if you need to." you said, your voice gentle but determined. Trevor's vulnerability flickered across his face, and for a moment, you saw the raw emotions he usually kept hidden from the world.

This didn't last for long as his usual mischievous grin began to come back, "I just need a little distraction." on the last word his hand traveled up your arm before resting on the back of your neck. You felt the warmth of his hand on the back of your neck, his touch both comforting and electrifying. It was a subtle yet intimate gesture, one that spoke volumes about his need for closeness and reassurance. You leaned into his touch, acknowledging the unspoken invitation to provide the distraction he sought.

With a tender smile, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his, a gentle and reassuring kiss that conveyed all the love and support you felt for him. He responded eagerly, his lips moving against yours in a passionate yet desperate manner. It was as if he was seeking solace in your touch, trying to forget the discomfort he was experiencing.

As the kiss deepened, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you. Trevor's embrace tightened around you, his hands roaming over your back, as if trying to anchor himself in the present moment, away from the struggles of now.

You continued to kiss him, pouring all your love and understanding into the moment, hoping that your presence could provide the distraction he needed. With each touch and caress, you felt his tension begin to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and ease. 

Finally, he pulled back, his eyes meeting yours. There was a hint of vulnerability in his gaze, but the look in his eyes was full of gratitude, appreciation for your presence and support. He let out a soft sigh, his hand stroking your cheek tenderly. "You're so fucking sweet," he said softly.

The intimacy of the moment was palpable, a tenderness that was usually reserved for intimate moments alone, a rare glimpse into Trevor Philips' softer side. You could feel the love Trevor felt for you in his touch and in the way he gazed into your eyes, his eyes brimming with adoration and affection. Sometimes you'd wish he'd say it aloud. 

As the moment lingered, you found yourself lost in his eyes, a sense of calm enveloping you like a warm blanket on a cold night. Trevor's hands wandered to your waist, his fingers trailing down your back. He cupped your butt, giving it a squeeze and a light smack, sending a tingle throughout your body.

You shivered at the sensation, your eyes drifting closed as you felt Trevor's hands roam freely, touching every part of your body. You opened your mouth to speak, but Trevor silenced you, his lips crashing against yours in a heated and hungry kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth, tasting you, exploring you, and you melted against him, responding to his bold advance.

His hands roamed your body, tracing the curves of your hips and thighs. You parted your legs, wanting his touch, needing it as you pushed your body against his, moaning as you felt his hard erection press against your lower stomach.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now