Part 8 🚩

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As you walk towards Trevor's truck, the adrenaline rush from the exhilarating plane ride slowly starts to fade, leaving you with a mix of excitement and nervousness about what might come next. The night sky stretches above you, speckled with stars, and the cool breeze carries a sense of freedom that matches the weightlessness you felt during the flight.

Trevor opens the passenger door for you, a small gesture that surprises you but makes you appreciate his old-fashioned charm. You climb into the truck, feeling the cold bite of the worn leather against your fevered skin as you settle into the seat. As the truck pulls away from the barn, you steal glances at Trevor.

You can still feel the way his the stubble on his chin scratched against your soft skin. The smell of the smoke from the cigar he'd since put out and shoved back into his pocket still lingered on your clothes. When you'd hugged him earlier some part of you had wanted to kiss him, but you hesitated. You felt you were falling to hard, like you always did, especially for someone so dangerous and mysterious.

The journey back to the city is filled with comfortable silence, interrupted only by the sound of the engine and the occasional exchange of glances between you and Trevor. You feel a connection building, a bridge between two souls brought together by a shared adventure and a touch of fate.

As you enter the city limits, the streets come alive with bright lights and the buzz of nightlife. Trevor expertly navigates through the traffic, effortlessly maneuvering the truck through the bustling streets. The songs on the radio were all heavy metal and rock but you were perfectly content with that seeing as that's what your parents listen to most of the time as well.

After finding a parking spot, you step out of the truck and take a moment to appreciate the vibrant atmosphere surrounding you. The sound of music spills out from nearby clubs and bars, tempting you with promises of laughter, dance, and fleeting connections. Tonight feels different, though, as if you've stumbled upon a chapter in your life that holds the potential for something extraordinary.

"You a bar or a club type of gal, if none of those float your boat there's always the strip club." He says jokingly half hoping you'd pick the strip joint.

You laugh at Trevor's suggestion, playfully nudging his arm. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll pass on the strip club tonight. Let's go for a bar. I'm in the mood for some good conversation and maybe a little dancing." You say swaying your hips and moving your hands to do a little dance.

Trevor grins and nods in agreement. "Bar it is then. I know a place not too far from here. They've got a great atmosphere and a wide selection of drinks. We'll have a good time."

You walk side by side with Trevor, the anticipation of the night ahead growing with every step. The city's energy pulses through the streets, enveloping you in a symphony of laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses. As you approach the bar, you can hear the faint sounds of live music seeping out onto the sidewalk, luring you closer.

The exterior of the bar exudes a vintage charm, with its weathered brick walls adorned with flickering neon signs. A wooden sign above the entrance bears the name "Harmony's Haven," hinting at the warm and welcoming atmosphere within. Trevor opens the heavy wooden door, and a wave of music and laughter washes over you as you step inside.

The interior of Harmony's Haven is a delightful juxtaposition of rustic and modern elements. Exposed brick walls are adorned with framed vintage photographs, and the soft glow of Edison bulbs hangs from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light. The spacious area is filled with a mix of high tables and plush booths, creating an inviting space for patrons to gather.

The bar itself stretches along one side of the room, displaying an impressive array of spirits and colorful bottles that catch the light. Bartenders with expert precision mix and pour drinks, their movements fluid and practiced. The air is filled with the aromatic symphony of different liquors and the gentle clinking of glasses.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now