Part 29

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Standing there, with a mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes, was Trevor. He had a look of disbelief on his face, as if he couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. It was clear that he had been keeping an eye on you, and his worst fears seemed to be coming true. Trevor's here. And he looks furious.

"Trevor?!" You exclaimed.

You could feel your heart racing, your breath catching in your throat, as you met Trevor's gaze. His eyes were dark, and you could see his jaw was clenched.

Eliot's eyes widened, looking from you to Trevor as the realization hit. "Oh," he said, his tone calm but laced with concern.

You swallowed hard, struggling to find the words to say. "I'm sorry, I should have mentioned, this is my boyfriend. Trevor." you said, glancing over at Eliot briefly before gesturing to him behind you. Honestly you could have lived without this interaction, why does he have to find a way to interject himself into everything.

Eliot's expression softened. He looked at you with a mixture of empathy and understanding. You knew he meant well but you felt even more guilty and confused about the situation. You didn't want to hurt Trevor or Trevor to hurt Eliot, and you could feel the tension in the room.

"Hey," Trevor said to him, his tone dark and threatening as he moved closer to you. One arm was resting over the back of your chair just close enough you could feel his arm, the other came to rest on the table in front of you both.

You didn't respond, you didn't know how to respond. Your mind was racing, your body tensed as if ready for an attack at any moment.

"What were you two talking about?" he asked, his voice low and threatening but suave and unnerving.

"We were catching up, like old friends do," Eliot replied, his voice even and calm. His demeanor seemed unfazed by Trevor's aggressive presence, you wish you had this man's uncaring demeanor.

Trevor didn't say anything, instead giving a small chuckle as he stared down Eliot. You could feel the tension growing as the three of you sat in silence. It was obvious Trevor had issues with you being around Eliot and he was trying to intimidate him. You put your hand on Trevor's arm and trying to reassure him. You were trying to break the stare, to diffuse the situation but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"What, don't like me?" Eliot quips with a smirk, Don't say that! "Look, man, she's her own person. We're just talking. No need to get all worked up." Eliot says, oh dear god why do you hate me, he's still unphased by the tension in the air, instead simply sitting back in his chair wearing a smug smirk reminiscent of Trevors. Trevor finally tore his eyes from Eliot to look at you. He gave you a look that made you shudder and your blood ran cold.

He turns back to Eliot again leaning over onto the table narrowing his eyes further, you could see the tenseness in his jaw. "Oh, I'm not worked up, mate. I just find it amusing, that's all. My girl attracts all sorts, it seems."

Eliot's composure was unwavering as he slid his eyes up and down trevor sizing him up, "I get it. You're the jealous type. Can't relate but trust me, there's nothing going on here that should concern you."

Trevor lets out a dark chuckle that causes goosebumps to raise on your arms, his eyebrow cocking in a menacing way, "Concern me? Ha! You don't know the first thing about what concerns me, pal."

You were so over this dick measuring contest and had already finished your drink in the midst of the tension in an attempt to relieve your own. "Trevor, We're just friends, catching up." you said exhaustedly, he was so emotionally draining.

Trevor finally leans back putting some distance between him and Eliot before that grin reappears, "Friends?" He says to you in a sarcastic tone before turning back to Eliot with a shit eating grin, "You hear that, mate? She calls you "friends."' He says tauntingly, still no change in Eliot's composure. Why is he like this, you think to yourself pressing a finger to the bridge of your nose.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now