Part 47 🚩

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Over the next few weeks, the team settled into the safe house, which was actually Trevor's old trailer in Sandy Shores. The trailer still had a rustic charm to it, filled with a mix of memories from you and Trevor's past. Each creak of the weathered floorboards and every piece of dust covered décor seemed to whisper stories of your journey together. As you went about preparing for your mission, the familiar surroundings brought back a flood of memories. The long, in depth conversations that were shared here making this space a sort of sanctuary, or the nights that were spent with both of you entangled in each others arms on that old stained sofa after moments of vulnerability, or when you first told Trevor you loved him in this very living room, and the stolen glances that spoke volumes in the quiet moments—all of these came rushing back.

Parker had swiftly staked her claim in a corner of the trailer, her makeshift workstation a meticulous arrangement of tools, gadgets, and blueprints. Her concentration was unwavering as she meticulously pored over the vault's security systems, deciphering entry points and crafting plans to outsmart the alarms. Despite her usual detached demeanor, a spark of excitement danced in her movements—a determination to solidify her irreplaceable role.

Hardison had turned another corner of the trailer into his personal tech haven. Laptops, monitors, and a maze of cables sprawled across the small table, a testament to his relentless pursuit of infiltrating the vault's security network. His fingers danced over the keyboard with a precision that mirrored his unshakable confidence. Each successful hack was punctuated with triumphant shouts and cheeky jabs at the security measures, his boundless optimism contagious.

Eliot's grounding presence permeated the trailer, a steady anchor amidst the team's activity. He navigated effortlessly between spaces, offering guidance where needed. Be it sparring with Trevor in one corner or strategizing quietly with Parker and Hardison, his leadership was unmistakable. He seamlessly blended authority with genuine care for his teammates, embodying the very essence of a leader who looked out for his own.

Trevor's larger-than-life persona infused the trailer with a mix of amusement, chaos, and a sense of familiarity. His presence injected an unpredictable energy that, against all odds, synchronized with the team's focus on the mission. Amidst his hearty laughter and unfiltered remarks, he reminded everyone that camaraderie could thrive even in the midst of imminent danger.

One evening, after a particularly intense day of strategizing and planning, you found yourselves alone in the trailer. The team had decided to take a break and explore Los Santos, Leaving you and Trevor to your own devices, being able to enjoy a rare moment of solitude. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. As you sat at the small makeshift table, meticulously examining the blueprints of the vault spread out in front of you, Trevor sauntered in with his characteristic swagger. He had been out dealing with some supply runs, but now he was back, and there was a mischievous glint in his eye that you knew all too well.

"Hey there, love," Trevor drawled, leaning against the doorframe and watching you with a mix of amusement and interest.

You didn't look up from the blueprints, engrossed in your analysis. "Hey, Trevor. How did the supply run go?"

Trevor shrugged, pushing himself off the doorframe and sauntering over to where you were seated. "Oh, you know, the usual. Scaring the shit out of some poor folks, blowing stuff up, the usual fun."

A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you finally glanced up at him. "You and your idea of fun never cease to amaze me."

Trevor chuckled, his eyes dancing with an almost feral playfulness. He leaned in closer, resting his hands on the table, dangerously close to the blueprints you were studying. "Speaking of fun, darlin', I've been thinkin'. It's been a long time since we had some alone time."

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now