Part 49

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The day seemed to drag by, minutes seemed like hours and it only served to fuel your anxiety. You'd felt confident about this heist until now, now you were less than confident and safe to say, mortally terrified. Trevor had gone over to the trailer to go over details and such with the team before tonight and you resolved to stay home. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a dim orange hue over the city, your heart began to race faster with each passing moment. The weight of the decisions you had collectively made pressed heavily on your chest. Doubts gnawed at the edges of your mind, and the echoes of regret reverberated through your thoughts. How had you let yourself get roped into this dangerous endeavor? The potential consequences loomed larger now than they ever had before.

Trevor's voice played back in your mind, his brash and reckless attitude that had initially sounded so charismatic now felt like a sinister omen. You couldn't shake the feeling that you were just another pawn in his chaotic game, and you were beginning to realize that you might be in way over your head. Eliot's plans, while cunning and well-thought-out, seemed like a distant mirage of success, fading further away as the minutes ticked by. You paced back and forth in your dimly lit living room, the unease settling like a heavy stone in your stomach. The photographs of your family and friends, innocent reminders of the life you were putting on the line, seemed to accuse you silently. Anxiety clawed at your throat, making it difficult to swallow, and the weight of impending regret was almost suffocating.

Parker and Hardison's names danced through your mind like a mantra, both skilled in their own right, but even their expertise couldn't chase away the looming cloud of danger that hung over the mission. The thought of them getting hurt, or worse, weighed heavily on your conscience. The guilt of potentially leading them into harm's way gnawed at you like a relentless itch you couldn't scratch. Bandit sat on the floor occasionally reaching her paw out to grab at your pants leg and mewing at you as if to say calm down. The plan had been to gather intel, acquire the black book, and cripple the Los Santos Vagos' empire. It had seemed like a noble cause, a chance to strike a blow against an organization that had caused immeasurable suffering, and inevitably done something to anger Trevor.

As the clock continued to tick away, the darkness outside grew thicker, casting eerie shadows across your surroundings. The reality of the situation was sinking in, and it wasn't the heroic adventure you had envisioned. The doubt and regret that had been bubbling beneath the surface now surged forth, flooding your mind with an overwhelming sense of dread. The sound of a text message jolted you out of your spiraling thoughts, and you quickly grabbed your phone to read Trevor's message.

"On my way. Get ready," it read, simple and to the point. The words only served to intensify your anxiety, as the realization that there was no turning back now settled in like a heavy anchor.

You moved mechanically, the minutes ticking away in agonizing slowness. You geared up with the tools and equipment necessary for the heist, dawning a well fitted all black outfit, each piece of clothing feeling heavier than before. Bandit's presence was a small comfort, a reminder of the normalcy you were leaving behind. Her innocent eyes seemed to beg you not to go through with this, as if she could sense the danger that loomed. The quiet hum of the truck engine matched the racing beat of your heart as you heard the tires come up the gravel drive, Once a comforting sound now makes you have goosebumps. You could hear the heavy steps of Trevor's boots as he stepped onto the old rickety wooden porch, he couldn't see you like this, an emotional wreck.

You quickly ducked into the bedroom and closed the door, you weren't sure what you were going to do, you couldn't hide from him forever and you were wasting time as it was. As you stood in your bedroom, heart pounding and mind racing, you knew you couldn't keep Trevor waiting for long. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to compose yourself, pushing back the waves of panic threatening to consume you. You splashed cold water on your face, hoping to wash away some of the anxiety that clung to your skin.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now