Part 50

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The interior of the van was a mix of nervous energy and focused determination as you settled into your seat. Parker's fingers danced across the touchscreen of her tablet, her gaze fixed on the schematics of the target location. Hardison was hunched over his computer, fingers flying across the keyboard as he prepared to breach the security systems. Eliot was meticulously inspecting his gear, ensuring that every weapon was in prime condition. Trevor climbed into the driver's seat, the leather creaking beneath his weight. His eyes swept over the team, his gaze lingering on each member before settling on you. There was a silent exchange between the two of you, a shared understanding that went beyond words.

"Alright, listen up, everyone," Trevor's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, his tone commanding attention. "We've got a job to do, and we're gonna do it damn well. Eliot, you're on point. Parker, keep us updated on any changes in the security layout. Hardison, do your magic with the cameras and alarms. And you," his gaze settled on you, "When we get there, stay close to Parker and both of you stay in communication." He gestured to the ear pieces everyone had in their ears. "Let's make this count."

The team nodded in unison, each member settling into their designated role. Eliot's rugged confidence was unwavering as he checked the clips of his guns, his gaze focused on the mission at hand, he never chose to take a life but he'd never willing go out without a fight. Parker's fingers flew across her tablet, navigating through the security systems with a finesse that showcased her expertise. Hardison's fingers danced across the keyboard, lines of code scrolling across his monitors as he hacked into the building's surveillance network, getting live feed of every room. The air was charged with a sense of purpose, a shared determination that pushed aside any lingering doubts.

The van's engine roared to life as Trevor skillfully navigated through the city's streets. The neon lights of Los Santos streaked by, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the windows. The tension in the van was palpable, the air thick with anticipation as everyone's focus remained on the impending heist. Parker's fingers danced across the touchscreen of her tablet, her eyes scanning the schematics with a keen intensity. Her lips were pressed into a thin line of concentration, her brows furrowing as she analyzed every detail.

"Okay, (y/n)," Parker's voice cut through your thoughts, her tone soft and focused. She leaned in closer, "The key to the vault is a bit tricky. It requires two people to simultaneously activate the access points on either side. It's a security measure to prevent a single person from gaining unauthorized entry."

She swiped across the screen, zooming in on a section of the schematics that highlighted the location of the vault's entrance. Lines and markers indicated the two access points that needed to be triggered simultaneously. "So," Parker turns her attention back to you, her eyes locking onto yours with intensity. "When we get inside, you and I will need to work together to open the vault. It's all about timing. I'll be on one side, and you'll be on the other. We'll have to hit those access points at the exact same moment. Got it?"

The gravity of her words settled over you like a heavy cloak. The realization that the success of this mission hinged on your cooperation was both daunting and exhilarating. You nodded, your voice steady as you replied, "Got it, Parker. We'll open the vault together."

Parker's lips curled into a small, almost imperceptible smile—a rare expression that spoke volumes. Her confidence in your abilities was evident, and the shared understanding between the two of you deepened.

As the van continued on its path, the cityscape gradually transformed into a darker, more desolate area. The glow of neon lights was replaced by the eerie quiet of abandoned warehouses and looming shadows. The van's tires crunched on gravel as Trevor pulled into a hidden spot near the target location.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now