Part 23

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As the first rays of morning sun pierced through the grimy windows of the weathered trailer, a soft, golden glow painted the room. You stirred from your slumber, your eyes blinking against the harsh light, causing them to water slightly. Groggy and disoriented, you struggled to grasp a sense of time. The events of the previous night had left you feeling emotionally drained, yet you found yourself yearning for the comforting presence of Trevor.

With a heavy heart, you reached out to the space beside you, longing to feel his reassuring warmth. But Trevor wasn't there. You couldn't help but wonder where he might be. Had he perhaps moved to the couch, not wanting to disturb your rest? Concerned, you sat up, allowing the remnants of sleep to slowly drift away from your mind. The silence in the trailer was almost eerie, broken only by the faint sounds of distant birdsong and the occasional creaks of the aging structure.

You hugged your knees to your chest, attempting to ease the chill that crept through the thin blankets, and a soft sniffle escaped you as you tried to clear your airways. Most of last night was spent crying yourself back to sleep, not wanting to deal with the inevitable. Emotions welled up inside you, and the heaviness in your heart seemed to match the lethargy in your body.

Finally, summoning the willpower to face the day, you dragged yourself out of bed. Each step felt like an immense effort, as if the weight of the world clung to your weary limbs. You couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. Perhaps Trevor had left the trailer altogether? But why would he do that without telling you? The unanswered questions only deepened your sense of unease.

As you moved through the trailer, its familiar quirks and imperfections seemed to accentuate the emptiness that now pervaded the space. The old floorboards creaked under your weight, adding to the eerie stillness. The air inside felt stagnant, as if even time had slowed down to match your melancholic mood.

Outside, the world had come alive with the sun's embrace. Nature's symphony of rustling leaves and distant chirping played on, oblivious to the turmoil within the walls of the trailer. You paused for a moment, listening to the gentle sounds, hoping to find solace in them. As you finally reach the door a sense of anxiety rushed over you as you pull it open, no Trevor.

 The realization hit you like a wave crashing upon the shore—Trevor was truly gone. Your heart sank further, and a heavy lump formed in your throat. You couldn't fathom why he had left without a word, without a goodbye. The lack of any trace of him in the trailer only heightened your anxiety, and the unanswered questions swirled in your mind, each one a dagger piercing your already wounded soul.

Maybe he went out for something you reasoned with yourself, you glance out of the window and see that in fact his red truck was gone. With a glimmer of hope, you reasoned that perhaps Trevor had stepped out briefly to run an errand or grab something from the nearby store. 

At least he hadn't disappeared entirely; he must have left for a short while, you thought. But then the unsettling thought resurfaced—why hadn't he woken you up or left a note? Trevor was usually never so cryptic, and this uncharacteristic behavior only deepened your sense of worry.

As you stood by the window, the world outside appeared to be moving at a regular pace, with people going about their daily routines, unaware of the turmoil unfolding within the confines of your trailer. The beauty of the morning, the chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves offered a stark contrast to the emotional chaos inside you.

Feeling a mix of restlessness and longing, you decided to step outside. The door creaked open, and a rush of cool morning air washed over you. The scent of dew-kissed grass and distant wildflowers enveloped your senses, momentarily providing a respite from the heavy atmosphere inside. The fresh morning air greeted you like a gentle embrace, offering a momentary reprieve from the heaviness that weighed upon your heart.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now