Part 22

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His eyes were focused on your approach, and he stood up straighter when he saw you. You were taken aback by his presence, as it seemed he had come here specifically looking for you. You didn't know what to make of Trevor's sudden arrival. There was something about the intensity in his eyes that left you feeling breathless and weak-kneed.

"What are you doing here?" You say closing the distance between the two of you. You made sure to keep a respectable distance afraid someone might see you with him from the house.

"Do I need a reason?" Trevor ask, his expression remaining neutral as he looked at you. "What embarrassed they might see you?" He inquires coldly, nope, no improvements.

You took a deep breath to steady your racing heart and took a step closer. "No," you mutter, "they just don't know, or at least Michael doesn't."

Trevor gave a suspicious look, his eye brow arched in a questioning manner. "Mikey can be pretty stupid, but he's not fucking clueless. Who cares if he knows any fucking way." Trevor huffed, his voice growing louder as he spoke.

You stare at him for a moment, trying to find the right words to respond with, "I know that. It's just I didn't want them to give you a hard time about it." You said looking down, afraid that Trevor might yell again.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Because you're embarrassed of me, admit it, It's ok." He said crossing his arms.

You look up at him with a mix of disbelief and confusion, "No I'm not Trevor," you say trying to make him understand, "it's just that-"

"It's ok," Trevor said cutting you off, "It's fine. I get it. You decided to be with me because I'm a fucking idiot who does whatever the fuck you want him to." He sneered.

Your eyes widened in shock, "Are you serious," you were beginning to lose your temper. Had he come here simply to pick a fight because he was bored, "Yeah you are an idiot." You say crossing your arms, he seems surpassed by your words. "You're a fucking idiot for even thinking that." You continue with venom in your words.

His eyes widened in anger as his expression began to darken. He seemed to be holding back, afraid to lash out. "Why the fuck you gotta be like this, huh," Trevor began, "I come out here for you, you know. I do that for you because you said you fucking loved me. I could have been fucking with you and let you think I didn't feel the same way, but I fucking came here for you."

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Oh, so this is my fault now," you mutter in disbelief, your phone began to ring again and it only added to your anger in the moment.

"Oh no," Trevor snapped back, "because of what happened the other night, you've gotta blame me."

You can't believe what you're hearing right now. "Trevor I told you-"

"Yeah, yeah," Trevor interrupted, "you love me. I get it. You fucking said that. But you also seem to keep me as some shameful fucking secret. So don't blame me if you want something more from me."

"Fuck you," you yelled before the words could be stopped, again harsh ringing from your phone and you were suddenly overwhelmed by stimulation, your brain was going to dry out at this rate. You quickly answered the call to hear your grandmother's voice over the phone, Trevor began to say something but you held up a finger to hush him.

"I'm glad you finally answered me," she said, "we were getting worried."

"I know," you began, "I'm kinda busy at the moment can i-"

"It's about your dad." Suddenly you stiffened.

"My dad?" You question her and glance at Trevor to see where he was, he seemed to be listening intently to you.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now