Part 38 🚩

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As you gradually regained consciousness the next day, the soft glow of the late afternoon sun streamed through the window, indicating that it was already around 5 in the afternoon. The room was drenched in a warm, golden hue as the sun dipped low in the sky. As you slowly recalled the events of the previous night, you remembered falling asleep with Trevor close by, his reassuring heartbeat lulling you into slumber. However, as you looked around now, you found yourself alone on the couch. The comforting presence of Trevor was conspicuously absent.

In the distance, muffled by the walls, you could hear Trevor's voice, resonating with a mix of frustration and anger. The echoes of his voice piqued your curiosity and concern. Perhaps something had happened that had ignited his fiery temperament. Your mind raced with possibilities, ranging from minor disagreements to more significant challenges. As you contemplated the situation, a mix of emotions swirled within you. Part of you wanted to approach Trevor and offer your support, to understand what was troubling him and be the calming presence he might need. On the other hand, you also recognized that sometimes Trevor preferred time alone to process his thoughts and emotions before sharing them.

In the end, you decided to give Trevor some space, trusting that he would eventually share his thoughts and feelings when he was ready. Until then, you resolved to be patient and supportive, just as he had been for you on countless occasions. So, you settled back into the couch, listening to the faint echoes of Trevor's voice in the distance. As the minutes passed you were able to pick out some words from the argument, "...You are a fucking idiot," Trevor's voice rang out, tinged with frustration. "You know this is the second time this has happened, THE SECOND fucking time."

You strained to hear more of the conversation but could only catch intermittent fragments of Trevor's heated exchange. "I trusted you with this shit, I don't want to waste my fucking weekend with this shit!" he continued, his voice seething with anger. "Now we're short, and that's on you, man." It was evident that one of Trevor's drug runners had been involved in some sort of mishap, causing them to lose a significant portion of their stash. Trevor had always been protective of his operation, and such a loss was undoubtedly a severe blow. You climb to the other side of the couch coming to a leaned over position right next to the door.

You knew Trevor's business wasn't exactly legal, but you also understood that it was an essential source of income for him. While you tried to steer clear of the illegal aspects of his life, you couldn't deny that Trevor's character was a complex mix of loyalty, ferocity, and an unyielding sense of justice. It was one of the reasons why he had a reputation as someone not to be trifled with and you found his danger utterly enticing.

As the minutes ticked by, the anger in Trevor's voice seemed to ebb slightly, giving way to a more composed tone. "Look, I don't give second chances easily," he said, his voice now firm but controlled. "But you've been with me for a while, and you better have a damn good explanation for this shitstorm." It was clear that Trevor had a deep sense of loyalty to his long-time associates, and while he could be harsh, he was also willing to hear them out if they were genuine.

Suddenly, the door to the room creaked open, and Trevor stepped out, still on the phone. He looked down and his eyes met yours, and you saw a flash of amusement before he turned away slightly to focus on the call. "Yeah, I get it," he said, his voice softer now, but still firm. "Just find out who's behind this, I want names. You do that, and maybe we'll talk about fixing this mess."

He hangs up the phone with whoever was on the other end while letting his eyes trail over you lewdly briefly stopping on your ass that was in the air at the moment, "Nosey little thing aren't cha." You blushed as Trevor's gaze lingered on you for a moment, knowing that he had always been somewhat cheeky and playful. It was just one of the many facets of his character that you found intriguing, even if it occasionally made you feel self-conscious.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now