Part 24

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In the darkness of your dream, you find yourself back in that dreadful moment, but this time, the fear and tension are heightened to unbearable levels. The scene replays before your eyes like a nightmarish loop. Trevor's cold and emotionless gaze pierces through you, sending shivers down your spine.

As you whisper Trevor's name desperately, the sound of your voice seems to echo endlessly in the confined space. He remains unaffected, as if you were just a faint echo, a ghost haunting the outskirts of his consciousness. The sickening silence amplifies the sense of isolation, making you feel even more helpless.

Trevor continues to pummel the lifeless man's body, but this time, the blows are more brutal and relentless. The sickening sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing fills the air, making you want to cover your ears and block out the horrifying symphony of violence. Every impact sends shockwaves of terror through your body, and you can't tear your eyes away from the gory spectacle.

His bloodied fists paint a gruesome picture, and you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread and revulsion. The room seems to close in on you as the walls feel like they're suffocating your senses. The air becomes thick with the metallic stench of blood, making it difficult to breathe.

Trevor's eyes, once filled with life and warmth, now appear soulless, as if possessed by a malevolent force. It's as if he's become a different person, a terrifying entity you can't recognize. The realization that this person before you was someone you once knew and cared for intensifies the horror of the situation.

You try to speak out to stop him, but your voice remains trapped in your throat, choked by fear and disbelief. Trevor's violent actions have shattered the illusion of safety, leaving you in a state of utter vulnerability.

Finally, Trevor lowers the blood-stained gun, but the relief you anticipate doesn't come. His cold gaze locks with yours, and you sense that he's looking through you, past you, as if you were nothing more than a specter haunting his nightmare. The disregard he shows for the life he just took sends chills down your spine, and you feel like you're losing touch with reality.

As your mind races with questions and confusion, you muster the courage to ask why he did it. Your voice quivers, and tears stream down your face uncontrollably. But Trevor remains silent, his expression void of any remorse or explanation. It's as if he's a heartless shell of the person he once was, and you feel a gnawing ache in your chest, a deep sadness at the loss of the man you loved.

Unable to bear the weight of the horrifying truth any longer, you stumble to the bathroom in a desperate attempt to escape the nightmarish scene. The cold tiles under your feet and the porcelain sink greet you as you reach the toilet, and you can feel the dizziness overtaking you. Your whole body trembles, and you can't shake the image of Trevor's bloodied hands out of your mind.

When you look up, Trevor is there, standing in the doorway, his silhouette a haunting figure against the darkness. His eyes, still lifeless and devoid of emotion, seem to hold you captive. You feel his gaze pierce through your soul, making you feel exposed, vulnerable, and utterly defenseless.

"Why?" You choke out the word, desperate for answers, desperate for the man you once knew to return.

But Trevor remains unmoved, his expression unyielding. He doesn't offer any explanation or remorse, leaving you to drown in a sea of anguish and confusion. The fear and despair become suffocating, and you can feel yourself slipping away, losing consciousness as the darkness consumes you once more.

In the abyss of your dark dream, the torment seems never-ending, and the haunting image of Trevor, covered in blood, lingers in your mind, leaving you trapped in the grip of a nightmarish reality you can't escape.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now