Part 42

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 Trevor's voice rang out with a mix of concern and irritation. "Hey, what the hell? Why the fuck did you take my truck without telling me?"

Your heart sank as you struggled to find the right words. You knew you should have informed Trevor about your plans, but you had been so wrapped up in your own emotions that you hadn't thought it through. "I'm sorry, Trevor," you replied weakly, your voice barely audible. "I wanted to paint today, but I should have told you before taking the truck."

Trevor's initial anger softened as he made his way off the porch and took in your state. His pace quickened as he came over to your side, his features contorting with worry. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen?"

You tried to shake your head, but the dizziness made it difficult to move. "I'm fine, it's just... anxiety, I think," you managed to say. "I got overwhelmed in the store, and it's been building up since then. I'm sorry,." You groaned with discomfort.

Trevor's demeanor shifted from frustration to genuine concern. He crouched down next to you, placing a hand on your head. "Don't apologize," he said softly. "Let's get you inside and take care of you."

"Trev I'm fine." You grumble at him swatting his hand away.

Trevor's face contorted with disbelief. "You're clearly not fine, (Y/N)," he retorted firmly. "You just threw up outside like you just came back from a fucking frat party! Now, come on, let's get you inside and figure out what's going on."

He helped you up, guiding you toward the front door. As you entered the house, you felt a mixture of relief and vulnerability. Trevor was not one to be gentle with words or emotions, but in moments like this, you could always count on him to be there for you. His brash and tough exterior hid a surprising depth of care and worry.

Inside, the cool air of the house provided some relief from the outside heat. Trevor led you to the living room, urging you to sit down on the couch. "Stay right here. I'm gonna get you some water," he said, disappearing into the kitchen, your head was still spinning and eventually you laid it back onto the couch and began staring at the ceiling. You could hear the sound of running water as he filled a glass.

While he was away, you took a moment to compose yourself, taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The encounter with Steve Haines had triggered something deep within you, but you didn't want to burden Trevor with that information. Instead, you decided to focus on the task at hand – taking care of your anxiety.

Trevor returned with a glass of water, and you gratefully accepted it, sipping slowly. He sat down next to you, giving you some space while still keeping a watchful eye on you. "Want to tell me what happened?" he asked gently.

"Ran into guy I keep seeing around. He usually stops to talk to me, just being nice i think but something about him makes me- uncomfortable? Afraid? Uneasy? I don't know, it's stupid." You say sitting the drink onto the table before turning over on the couch to face the wall, looking at anything was too much at the moment.

Trevor listened quietly, his intense gaze fixed on you. He wasn't one to be overly empathetic or to sugarcoat his words, but he had a keen sense of understanding when it came to people's emotions, even if he didn't always show it in the conventional way. "Uncomfortable and afraid huh?" he repeated, his voice gruff but not lacking in concern. "And this guy you keep running into, what's his deal?"

You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you should share all the details about Steve with Trevor. After all, Trevor had a short fuse, and you didn't want to unnecessarily escalate things. But you also knew that keeping it bottled up would only add to your anxiety. "Met him a while ago," you explained vaguely, leaving out the more personal details. "He's been trying to get closer to me, be my friend maybe, but I've been avoiding him. Today, he showed up at the store i was at unexpectedly, and it caught me off guard."

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now