Part 17

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As the sun set over the sprawling cityscape of Los Santos, you took a moment to reflect on the whirlwind of events that had brought you here. Everything had changed since your arrival. The city's vibrant energy had drawn you in, introducing you to a myriad of fascinating individuals, each with their own unique stories and ambitions.

Within this bustling metropolis, you had managed to secure a job, something you had worried about before making the move. But your fears were put to rest as you not only found work but excelled at it, proving your capabilities to yourself and your employers, who had surprisingly become like surrogate parents, filling a void left by your distant biological ones.

Among the many connections you forged, one stood out - your boyfriend. It was a relationship you had yearned for long before your journey to Los Santos began. And yet, the one you fell for was not your average guy. Trevor Philips was a character like no other, and he had warned you from the outset that he might not be the best choice for a partner. His past was enigmatic, his current profession shrouded in secrecy.

Days turned into weeks, you kept in touch with Trevor through text but only answered when he texted and thought yourself on calling him up. That nagging feeling at the back of your mind grew stronger. Trevor's cryptic remarks and veiled past now weighed heavily on your thoughts. He had never been just another regular guy you could easily slot into your life; there was an edge to him, an aura of danger that was both captivating and unsettling.

But despite his rough exterior and hints of a darker history, Trevor treated you with a surprising tenderness and care that you had never experienced before. His charisma and humor could light up a room, and his protective nature made you feel cherished. You found yourself falling deeper in love with him, captivated by the whirlwind romance and the life you were building together.

Yet, with each passing day, doubts crept in. You began to wonder if Trevor was keeping secrets not just to preserve his own privacy but to shield you from the more perilous aspects of his world. The realization struck that he might be protecting you from getting entangled in the dangerous underbelly of his past.

Now, torn between love and fear, you grappled with the consequences of being with someone like Trevor Philips. As much as you yearned to be by his side, the warnings he had issued echoed in your thoughts, urging you to tread carefully.

In the heart of this sprawling, vibrant city, you found yourself at a crossroads - a juncture where love and caution collided. As the evening wore on, you decided to try tidy up around the house to clear your mind. The white noise of the TV news anchor and bustling streets offered little solace as your thoughts swirled with uncertainty. You pulled out your phone and noticed a missed call from your dad. He had left a voicemail, urging you to call him back. You wondered what could be so urgent, but your mind was preoccupied with Trevor and the decision you had to make.

Just as you were about to dial your dad's number, your phone buzzed with a text notification from Trevor. It simply read, "Call." His timing was impeccable, or perhaps he had sensed your inner turmoil. The temptation to dial his number was strong; you wanted his comforting voice and reassurance that everything would be alright. But you also knew that talking to him right now might cloud your judgment further.

Oh what the hell, you type up 'Uncle T' in your phone, you aren't sure why you haven't changed that yet. You knew at some point you had to talk about it, all the things he had been keeping from you even if it was for your own dater. But for now you'd wait, wait until he got the courage to tell you himself or it at least came up naturally.

As you hesitated before pressing the call button, the decision was taken out of your hands as your phone started to ring. It was Trevor calling you back. Taking a deep breath, you answered the call, trying to sound composed despite the swirling emotions inside.

Grand Theft of my Heart *Trevor Phillips x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now