𝙤𝙣𝙚. shoko never told me she has a pretty doctor friend

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Chapter 1: Shoko never told me she has a pretty doctor friend.

Spring time has always been the favorite season of the girl named L/N Y/N. The way the pink tint blooms all over Japan, and the way the sakura petals dance together with the wind as they fall gracefully on the ground, makes Y/N's heart flutter and happy.

For some unknown reason, spring has always brought her good things in life.

It was spring when she was born. It was spring when she passed the exam for her dream university. And it was spring when she obtained her license as a pediatrician.

Today was another day for work, she locked the door from her apartment, and started walking towards her clinic. The building where her clinic is located, was only a 10-minute walk from her apartment, and she loved viewing the sakura trees on the sidewalk while walking towards her workplace.

She hummed and put her hands in her pocket, the spring breeze is still cold.

When she arrived in her clinic, there were kids and their parents already waiting to have their children checked-up.

Her secretary smiled upon seeing her arrive.

"Good morning Y/N-san, here are the details of the patients for the day" the blonde short-haired girl handed her over a folder which contained information of her patients.

"Thank you Nitta, I'll just drink a cup of water, then we can proceed with the first patient" she smiled. Nitta smiled back and nodded.

"Ganbare doctor!" She beamed.

And her day has finally started.

Her everyday routine seemed to be a mundane task, her patients ranged from babies, toddlers and kids, sometimes there are teenagers too, but mostly she has elementary kids as her patients.

Every time the check up is done, the parents thank her, and it just makes her happy that she could help.

She heaved a sigh of relief as she's finally done checking up all the patients listed for the day. What's left now is to rest and then later in the afternoon, she will have rounds in the hospital.

That was, until her phone rang.


"Hello Y/N, sorry for abruptly calling you when you're still at work"

"Shoko! I just finished checking up my patients, don't worry. How are you by the way?"

"Ah, well I'm doing fine, and I hope you are too, but I won't beat around the bush Y/N, actually can you give me a favor?"

"Sure, as long as I could do it, and I won't be arrested or something"

"Haha don't worry, you won't get arrested or what, you see, I have this friend of mine, and he's kind of panicking right now, he needs his uhh...son to be checked up, like right now, and I am busy, and so if it's alright, can you insert him to your roster of patients today? He really won't stop bugging me"

"Oh, of course, I still can cater one more patient for today, send him over"

"Great! I'll send him your clinic's location, thank you so much Y/N! Oh by the way, just a little warning, he's kind of dramatic. Anyway we should hang out soon!"

"Of course Shoko, just message me whenever"

"Alright, bye Y/N, see you soon"

"See you, Shoko!"

And with that, the phone call ended and Y/N called for her secretary.

"Nitta, we'll be expecting one last patient for today, please accomodate them right away"

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